Forum Discussion

RussLickteig's avatar
Community Member
31 days ago

Set Corner Radius of boxes

In my research people have been asking for this feature for 10+ years.  PLEASE add this feature!  By the way, I just Googled how to do this and even AI THINKS we can/should be able to. Check out the screen grab below. Apparently AI doesn't know everything.  My two cents when SL gets around to this is we need a "Global" checkbox and the option for setting individual radius. Please help your users be more productive!!!


  • RussLickteig's avatar
    Community Member

    Thanks Eric, but....if this will never be added it would be nice to know since WE have been asking for it for more than 10 years.  Surely someone there knows if it's truly possible to give us this MUCH needed control.  

  • Hi RussLickteig,

    Thanks for reaching out! I'm glad that JoeFrancis is helping you out here.

    I agree with Joe. The Google AI search may have provided inaccurate information this time. While you can set rounded corners in a Storyline shape using the little yellow box that appears when you click it, there is no way to set the percentage of roundedness as you requested in your related posts.

    I informed our product team regarding the details of your request. Though I cannot estimate when this feature will be added because of factors like complexity, breadth, and engineering's current workload, I can commit to keeping this post open so I can let you know if the feature is available. You will be among the first to know!

  • JoeFrancis's avatar
    Community Member

    FWIW, the "AI-powered" results in Google search are proving to be almost completely worthless and almost certainly rife with errors and inaccuracies.