Forum Discussion

LindaBurke-3d59's avatar
Community Member
28 days ago

Storyline 360 Pre-check with multiple paths - Possible?

I'm building a course in Storyline 360 where learners will be presented with a precheck that covers four main topics. In order to demonstrate mastery of the basic topics, learners must make 100% on each topic within the precheck (there are two to three questions per topic).  If they do not reach 100% on each topic, learners will be presented with micro-lessons to take as remediation on each topic missed.  

I've noticed the pre-check option for the results slide.  Can the pre-check functionality work for multiple topics? 

I'd love to see samples of how others have approached this issue because I can think of SO many ways to create variables and triggers to possibly accomplish the goal, but I want to be efficient with my build.