Forum Discussion
Superscripts in Rise Course Title?
I wanted to ask the community whether anyone has had success adding superscript text to a course title in Rise?
I get asked about this more or less every time one of my Rise courses is reviewed and it would be great to be able to give my clients what they want here.
It's one of those things that I'm sure isn't straight-forward for the Rise dev team (otherwise it would be in?) but looks as though it should be from a client perspective.
- StacyMowersCommunity Member
I am able to do superscript in most places in Rise except the title - can't copy then paste, tried uploading different fonts, with no luck. Is there a fix for adding superscript into the course title?
Thanks for letting us know you need to add superscripts in your course title, Stacy. While that's not a possibility right now, we'll let you know if that changes!
- CarolineBennettCommunity Member
This issue has been open for over a year now. Why hasn't it been fixed yet? Very disappointing.
BTW.. there are other title issues. I can't get ">" or "<" to display correctly in a labelled graphic pop up title, even though it's entered properly in Rise. Has this been reported yet? Any workaround?
- LeaSAgatoStaff
Good news! We fixed the issue in Rise 360 where the symbols > < & do not display correctly in labeled graphic title editor.
If the problem happens again, please share a Peek 360 screencast with us by clicking here, and we'll be happy to help!
Hi Caroline,
A feature for adding subscripts and superscripts to the Rise 360 title area has not made it to the top of our roadmap yet. We're still tracking requests, so thanks for letting us know this is important to you.
Also, thanks for reporting the labeled graphic error to us. I'm seeing the same thing you're seeing. I'll report this to our team so we can begin looking into it.
- MarritIngmanCommunity Member
I'd like to make yet another request for the ability to use superscript in lesson and course titles. We need to use the (R) symbol in titles for legal reasons. Please consider.
- CelesteBramlettCommunity Member
Adding myself to this thread - most all of our training requires trademarking. I just want to be sure I am on the updates
- LauraKostovich-Community Member
I have a need for this request, also. Please seriously consider this feature in your roadmap.
- RebeccaMcHughCommunity Member
I would like to add our needs for proper trademarks in the course titles as well.
- DanielStaten-d9Community Member
Is Articulate paying any attention to real businesses that need this functionality? It's been two years since this thread started, and no sign of progress.
- MollyFitzpat985Community Member
I would like this feature as well.