Forum Discussion
Text Entry Fields Reset
Is there away to allow text entry fields to reset to their default, "Type your answer here..." state? Even with slides set to "Reset to initial state", the text entry fields remain populated with whatever text the user input live.
Hi Allison,
I'm sorry to hear that you've run into this issue as well. Are you able to share a copy of your .story file here with us so that we can take a look? You can attach it here using the paperclip icon, and the forums have an upload limit of about 20 mbs so you may want to strip it down to just a few slides and share here. You can always import those slides into a new project using the method described here.
- AllisonAntalekCommunity Member
Thanks for looking at this for me. I just threw together basic text entry examples - see attached. Looking forward to your thoughts. Thx!
- RebeccaFleischCCommunity Member
Hi Allison,
It's true you reset the slides to their initial state, but variables must be reset separately. I've done this for you two different ways.
On slide 1.2 I added a trigger to adjust (reset) the text entry variable to "type your test here" when the timeline starts. That's what the text entry box (#29) looks like the first time around. This DOES cause the text to be highlighted when Learners type init.
On slides 1.3 an 1.4 I added triggers to adjust the text entry variables (#65 and #31) to blank when the timeline starts.
You also have a LOT of text entry variables in the trigger wizard that aren't currently being used by this slide...just a heads up.
Sorry for the delay - yesterday was one of those days.
It looks like Rebecca has you covered here in regards to how to reset your variables - if you need anything else please just let us know!
- kellybardsleyCommunity Member
Hi, I know this is quite an old thread, but I have the same problem. I have been through all the advice above but still I can't reset the text in my text entry box. I have included my file below if anybody can help :-)
Hi Kelly!
Thanks for sharing your file and allowing us to take a look.
Your slide a different variable named to reset when the timeline started (TYPE1) instead of the TextEntry14 that is on this slide.
I changed the variable and it seems to work as you wish.
- RobHaymanCommunity Member
This nailed it thanks Kelly!
Add a variable to reset value when timeline starts. Use her file people! - santoshparulekaCommunity Member
Great job!!!
- EliseSotoCommunity Member
I'm dealing with similar problems as those above. After they have finished the interaction the first time I want to give them the option to return and practice a second time.
I am able to set the variables properly but my issue is that the text entry box displays a number and sometimes a few descriptive words to help the user choose the correct part of the diagram. As it is, when they click the text box the number/text disappears on it's own so that they can type their answer. I've set it up so that their original entries are cleared, however the numbers/descriptive text is also cleared. If i click into the text box then click elsewhere on the slide then the number/text appears. So the second time they attempt the interaction they no longer are given enough information to complete it correctly unless they click around a few times. Is this normal? Or is there something else I can do to correct this?
If I include this as part of the variable trigger (rather than set it to 'blank') then that causes the text entry box to work differently in that they must delete the text before entering their answer, even on their first run through the interaction.
Is there a way to set it so that they can return a second time and complete the interaction in exactly the same manner as their first attempt? The interaction has 3 main parts and I'd really like them to be able to return to each part individually to continue practicing.
I've attached a shortened version with the slides in question. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hi Elise,
Thanks for sharing your file here. When reattempting a quiz, the previous answer will still be visible and accessible to the users, so that's why you're seeing the information stay upon the return. If they delete the answer the previous text is not automatically brought back as you've seen - but if they click outside the text entry they'll see the prompt again. This is by design of the questions - so perhaps you'll want to look at including the direction text outside of the text entry?
- JamieBorreggineCommunity Member
Hi all! I just went through this same issue and wanted to share. I had the question (on the Form View) set to a max attempt of 1. I changed that to unlimited and it resolved the issue!
Thanks for popping in to share Jamie :)