Forum Discussion

StefanieKirs743's avatar
Community Member
2 months ago

Toggling Pass/Fail

Hi everyone!

I am working on a project that requires users to toggle items from "Fail" to "Pass". One of the modules in my project has random parts that the users have to leave on "Fail". There are multiple in the project where this applies, but the attachment's example is "Horns".

I would like to make sure that the user is paying attention, so I want to make it so that they have the ability to pass the item "by mistake", then click again and have it change back to fail to correct it. Sort of like turning a switch on then off again.

I'm sure there's a state change and a number variable involved in here somewhere.

Advice, thoughts, ideas?

  • Nedim's avatar
    Community Member

    I believe I suggested a solution to this issue in your post two weeks ago. I'm not sure if you've had a chance to see it yet. There are many design approaches to achieve this, but this one is the simplest in terms of functionality. I've attached the .story file for your reference.

  • The simple way is to create the pass/fail as objects with a selected state that way it will easily toggle