Forum Discussion
Turn off email alerts?
Hi, is there anyway to turn off the email alerts with review? I'm finding that for each individual comment by my developer makes for example, I get an individual email for each one. I am starting to react to these emails and am jumping back in willy nilly - it;s all getting a bit crazy with lots of comments from me and my developer as he builds and i check.
I think it would be better to turn off the email alerts during the process - can we do that?
Cheers, Gabby
Hi Gabby,
You can change the frequency and the type of notifications you receive. Take a look at these two articles to get started:
- How to Change the Frequency of Email Notifications
- How to Subscribe to Comments and Mute Notifications for Individual Projects
Hope that helps!
- GabrielleHar423Community Member
Lovely ta!
*Gabrielle Hartin **M'Ed, Grad Cert HRM, B'Ed, TAE40110, DISC Certified
Facilitator, VIT 170299**Snr Consultant:* *Learning & Development Services/VET Education *
*m*: 0415 446 397 | *e*:
- ShannonMcGinnisCommunity Member
Hi Ashley,
Is there a way to mute notifications for my reviewers who do not have Articulate licenses? I'm at a stage in my project where two reviewers and I are working through changes that we'll present to the final approver. He has contributed and wants to step out again until I finish these edits. Thank you.
Hi Gabrielle!
Looks like your email signature came through when you replied via email! No worries, this Peek video will show you how to remove it.
Hi Shannon,
You can't mute it on your side, but the individuals could mute it. Similarly if you published a new version, the reviewers wouldn't be receiving notifications unless they did comment on it. Take a look at the information here for more details.
- ChrisColeCommunity Member
Hi Ashley. It looks like reviewers don't have the option to mute notifications unless they sign up for an account (not license)... is that right?
Hi Chris,
Correct - they'd need to log in with an Articulate ID, but they don't need to be a member of your 360 Team or any subscription.
- JohnMayoCommunity Member
Thanks for the explanation, Ashley. In the future it would be extremely useful for developers like myself to be able to turn off notifications altogether, by which I mean let me make notes on a comment without it firing off an email to my client. For me it basically defeats the utility of getting feedback through the Review tool.
- JohnMcleod-a6d9Community Member
I totally agree John, as it stands now, it is challenging for our clients. We want to have internal discussions about the comments before they are resolved, and we have to train the clients to turn off the notifications. It is a bit of friction for us, especially if there are multiple client-side reviewers contributing. Would be a big win for us if Articulate was able to create a developers ability to turn off the notifications as they see fit.
Thanks for your feedback, John!
- BarrySampsonCommunity Member
This has become a big problem for us recently, to the point where we have stopped using Review for most projects.
- CathyZhou-004eaCommunity Member
This is a big problem for us too. We will not be using the the Review feature until it has been resolved.
Thank you for the candid feedback, everyone!
We're actively tracking requests around managing notifications to reviewers. I'll make sure our report is up to date with your votes and communicate any new developments. Here's a peek at how we prioritize such ideas!
- AllynciaWill915Community Member
Making external reviewers sign up for articulate account and have to learn how to turn off review notifications is making problematic notifications even more problematic. I'm not trying to turn my reviewers into IDs, I need them to focus on content and experience the learning as I have designed it to meet their need. By making the reviewers get notifications by default, they are clicking on old links, going to unrefreshed or previously finalized versions of the course I am building. This issue has seriously impaired trust and business relationship with my client. Developer/Administrator must be able to turn off notifications for each comment- WHO on earth would think that an email per comment is a good idea? I see all these complaints are from years ago. Has this been resolved yet? Notifications should not happen by default and should not happen by comment!