Forum Discussion
Videos to Automatically Play in Rise
Is there a way to have videos automatically start to play in Rise when the user reaches that section of the session?
- AndrewTomkoCommunity Member
It's clear that many of us need this feature in specific use-cases when we're building out courses. The only was I've been able to get some sort of automatic "video" to play is to incorporate a GIF. Not ideal as there is no sound.
- NikitaGoodwi275Community Member
+1 for Auto-play functionality.
- GeorgePrice-3fdCommunity Member
Agreed - need an autoplay option.
- RogerHobbsCommunity Member
Autoplay is needed in 2024. Major learning platforms utilize autoplay per years of student feedback. Please add this feature.
- DianeWestern-0dCommunity Member
Ditto. We've needed it for a couple years.
- janketels-2b938Community Member
- TimCorbinCommunity Member
Agreed with the overall sentiment here — having autoplay as an option is extremely helpful for many. The Mighty browser extension can clearly make this work, so it's not a technical limitation. Articulate, please try to see there are many valid use cases for autoplaying content.
- DawnRose-08d744Community Member
This is getting really frustrating - Mighty looks great but I don't want to have to pay an additional £300 a year for a feature people have been asking for for over 5 years.
This is making such a difference to the usability and end user experience of courses - if Mighty can do this why can't Articulate?
- AlexandreLeblanCommunity Member
Well - until Articulate wakes up - it seems that another company made a browser extension to provide interesting blocks and mods to our Rise courses.
It includes an audio and video autoplay feature.
Hope this helps!
- JayMistryCommunity Member
thanks for sharing - nice extension and love the transition effects Mighty offer in addition to the other blocks. It would be nice to see Articulate offer similar blocks as part of the base package.
- gusCommunity Member
This request doesn't appear to be progressing anywhere after 4 years, but I would still like to add my vote to this. I'm fairly new to Articulate and had grand visions of engaging our learners with all kinds of video content when they start new courses or sections, and am finding this extraordinarily restrictive to not be able to auto-play content within our own learning platform. This is a definite anti-feature.
- AndrewTomkoCommunity Member
tyotoys link worked w/ no audio as you mentioned.