Forum Discussion
Web Objects blurry, especially text
Hello. I have created a Web Object in Animate CC and inserted into Storyline. Outside of Storyline, the Web Object looks great, even zoomed in (see attachment AnimateCCWebObject_OutsideStoryline-SHARP.jpg). When I import that same Web Object into Storyline, the quality decreases noticeably (see attachment AnimateCCWebObject_InsideStoryline_-BLURRY.jpg).
Yes, I am scaling my Player size to "fill browser window," but even changing that option to "Lock player at optimal size" does not help all that much.
Why is the quality decreasing so much? Is Storyline bitmapping the text and vector images, rather than just playing the Web Object as is? What can I do to improve the quality (please don't say change my Player setting to "Lock player at optimal size, we all know that's not practical)? I am forced to use Animate CC created Web Objects to work around Storyline limitations, unfortunately, so the drop in quality is really a bummer.
Thanks for any info you have about this issue. I assume that others are affected also.
Hello Everyone!
I'm happy to share that we have released Storyline 360 version 78 (Build 3.78.30680.0)!
Included in this release is the fix for the bug: HTML5: Web Objects With Images Are Blurry.
Now all you need to do is update Storyline 360 in your Articulate 360 desktop app on your computer. You'll find our step-by-step instructions here.
Please let us know if you have any questions by reaching out to our Support Engineers directly.
Have a great day!
- HeatherMiller-7Community Member
I am having the same issue with blurry web objects and would appreciate any updates.
- RenGomezStaff
Hi Heather,
We're still monitoring the impact of this bug, so I appreciate you letting us know that it's affecting your projects. You're in the right place to stay up to date on any new information!
- TomEichhorn-878Community Member
I experienced the same issue.
It seems that Articulate Storyline (360) takes its own stage size and displays embedded web objects in that size. So regardless of whether you have fit-to-screen set, the animation will be rendered at the default stage size and then be upscaled.
Workaround: make the stage size larger in Storyline. For example FullHD 1920x1080.
Now embedded web objects with vector graphics look much sharper.
Remember: for better quality: never scale up, always scale down.And hope that Articulate will support scalable vector graphics in the future (not only in edit mode but also in the output). Fingers crossed!
- PaulColby-e9841Community Member
This is still an issue. I have new information to share on the issue. For the first half of this year, I have been using Storyline 3, without having installed new updates. The web objects were of acceptable quality. This week, we switched to Storyline 360. I took literally the exact same file, published it to Articulate 360, and the quality of the Web Object went way way down. You can clearly see the degradation in quality in the attached files Storyline3_cropped2 and Storlyine360_cropped2. NOTE: Images have been removed since they now superseded by zip file below.
Also, I went ahead and looked at the two published folders and compared (see attached StorylinePublishFolder.jpg). The Storyline3 published folder has two additional html files with a suffix of _html5.
Within the html5\lib\scripts folders, the files are also different. Storyline 3 has one file: app.min.js. Storyline 360 has four files: ds-bootstrap.min.js, ds-frame.desktop.min.js,, ds-slides.min.js.
The method for publishing courses has clearly changed, resulting in unacceptable quality for Web Objects. It seems 360 with the latest updates is using Bootstrap, is that right?
This is a big issue and needs to be addressed by Articulate. Is there a phone number I can call to talk to a live person? It's a progress stopper for our company.
Hi Paul!
We'd love to help! I'd like our Support Engineers to assist you with this snag. Let's start with having you upload your project, so we can take a look. Our Support Engineers will begin troubleshooting from there.
I'm so sorry you're still running into this! We'll make sure to get expert eyes on your file!
- PaulColby-e9841Community Member
While we're on the subject, there is another glaring difference in the Notes. Attached are two files of the exact same file published from Storyline 3, without latest updates, and Storyline 360, with latest updates. NOTE: Images have been removed since they now superseded by zip file below.
Something has clearly changed in your publishing architecture. This is literally the same exact file. In Storyline, the Notes look fine in either 3 or 360. Nothing I can do there to prevent this odd line spacing that 360 decided to just randomly apply.
Please help. This is clearly a Storyline issue, along with the poor quality of Web Objects when publishing.
- JoeLonnCommunity Member
I am currently experiencing this as well and the text is very blurry.
Hi Joe!
Sorry this is affecting your course as well! We'll want our Support Engineers to assist you too. Please use this link to share your project with us. You'll hear from our team when we receive the file.
- PaulColby-e9841Community Member
Unfortunately, I cannot share my project. It is highly proprietary. I know from the forums that others have seen this issue also. I gave you a lot of useful information about the published architecture. Clearly, something has changed on your end, as noted above.
If it helps, I was using Storyine 3, Update 9: 3.9.21069.0. Everything was fine. I updated to Storyline 360 and installed all the latest updates. Then quality of Web Objects decreased significantly and the line spacing on Notes changed dramatically. Again, this is with the same exact Storyline file.
I suggest you publish a course which includes Notes with bullets, and Web Objects, in the Storyline 3 version I noted above. Then either install all updates to Storyline 3, or use Storyline 360, then compare published files. I believe you will see a difference. Please do your due diligence and let me know what you find. I know I am not the first one to see this issue.
FYI, at one point earlier this year, I installed all of the updates for Storyline 3, and saw the same issues. I used Windows Restore to back up to the earlier version of Storyline 3 noted above, and the issues went away.
Thanks for the details, Paul.
I was unable to recreate the issue using the steps you described.
I did a quick search for the issue you described. I located a conversation you shared as well and took a look at a file you shared here. I published to Review 360 with the latest update to Storyline 360 and do not see any additional spacing as you've described here.
- Do you see any issue with my published output?
- Do you experience this issue in a specific environment or browser?
- PaulColby-e9841Community Member
Hi Leslie. Thank you for your attempt to help. Yes, I do see an issue. It is the same issue I described above, with screenshots. The line spacing for the bullets is different in Storyline 360 application than it is when I publish it and view. Please tell me you see the difference. I did not have the issue with Storyline 3, version noted above. After installing updates, I did also have the issue.
As far as my issues, the Notes spacing is secondary to the Web Object quality. That is a showstopper for our company.
- PaulColby-e9841Community Member
I don't know if this will help at all, but I am using an Animate CC canvas document to publish my Web Objects. I have tried every combination of image settings possible. They look great outside of Storyline, and as mentioned above, when published in Storyline 3 before installing latest updates. Once I install SL3 updates or publish with SL360, the Web Objects look horrible. As noted above, you have clearly changed something in your publishing methodology that has broken something. I've pasted below for reference:
Also, I went ahead and looked at the two published folders and compared (see attached StorylinePublishFolder.jpg). The Storyline3 published folder has two additional html files with a suffix of _html5.
Within the html5\lib\scripts folders, the files are also different. Storyline 3 has one file: app.min.js. Storyline 360 has four files: ds-bootstrap.min.js, ds-frame.desktop.min.js,, ds-slides.min.js.
Is there a way to install older versions of Storyline, like the version noted above? Until you figure this out, the current version of the product is unusable for Web Objects.