Forum Discussion
Windows 11 update issues
Hello all, Happy New Year,
Has anyone had problems after a Windows 11 21H2 to 23H2 update?
IT updated my machine in the background and after the update I was locked out of my machine after a restart. IT was able to get me back in after entering a 48-digit BitLocker key.
All seemed fine until I tried to launch Storyline 360. The splash screen comes up for about 5 seconds, then disappears. The 360 Desktop App would not launch. No other programs were affected.
Today, IT deleted those programs and was able to somehow get the Desktop App reinstalled (that took some doing) and to finally launch. But underneath Desktop on the control panel, no programs appear. Only items under Web (Training, Review, and Rise). IT stated they would have to do some research.
A while later I happened upon the diagnostics panel and all systems are green except for Desktop Apps and Updates. It just shows three animated dots.
I suspect it's a Windows update issue and not an Articulate issue, but I'm very interested in knowing if anyone else has had a similar issue. I've searched ELH and wasn't able to find anything like I'm encountering.
I've attached screen shots of the control panel.
Thanks very much!
- ChrisGonzalezCommunity Member
Update: Solution was for IT to provide me a new machine. We think that the system was corrupted during the Windows 11 21H2 to 23H2 update. Why only Articulate products were affected, we don't know.
- ChrisGonzalezCommunity Member
Thanks so much Karl, we will look at this as well.
- JudyNolletSuper Hero
FYI: This isn't my area of expertise, but the issue sounds familiar. It might be related to the network endpoints.
I suggest you share this article with your IT folks:
- ChrisGonzalezCommunity Member
Thank you very much, Judy, we'll take a look at this.