Forum Discussion
xAPI Full Capabilities in Rise
I'm building a number of Rise modules for a client and they love the platform, however they are looking for a solution that will allow them to capture robust metrics from the learning using xAPI to show how learners are interacting with the content. Examples include tracking Knowledge Check selections and attempts, interaction with audio, video and interactive blocks, etc. Currently the xAPI tracking in Rise is no different than what SCORM provides. Alternatively, could the content be exported in a way that allows developers to add in their own API statements post export? Data and analytics are becoming a massive ask from our clients and I'm still only able to accomplish this by building our own custom platforms.
- SabrinaMartorelCommunity Member
HI! Any update , please?
Thanks for chiming in, Sabrina! Nothing new yet, but we'll let you know if that changes!
- ErikaHuezo-84a7Community Member
Also adding my vote for this feature! Better analytics would be great without resorting to Storlyline for features already on Rise or resorting to other authoring tools with this capability.
Would also love to see Articulate share a way to upvote and keep track of popular requests. Thank you!
- LubomirKoprdaCommunity Member
Also adding my vote. So far we're basically getting no data from Rise compared to Storyline.
- MikeWilson-82b6Community Member
I'm 'voting" not that it means much. For how much it costs for this platform and how much extra we have spent to hack the rise output to provide some metrics it is becoming a waste of effort. Next step for us will to be to replace rise with a platform that is more usable in terms of metrics, we basically have given the platform 12 months to see if they improve anything.
- RichardTomchukCommunity Member
This is 100% on point. An Articulate 360 subscription costs $1300 PER YEAR PER USER. For that price you should not have to resort to hacking one of its authoring tools to get it to work with a widely accepted e-learning standard, let alone an authoring tool that's billed as the latest and greatest.
- AndresDiaz-26f9Community Member
Can you share the hacks that you've used to get some metrics with Rise?
- PatrickGudatCommunity Member
I agree with some of the other comments here. Having that as an option is VERY misleading. Please fix this so that we can continue to grow using Rise.
- DeanCook-a0d645Community Member
Very misleading, would love to see an update on it being real xAPI
- RichardTomchukCommunity Member
Another vote for full xAPI in Rise. Any update on this feature?
- MandyLambertCommunity Member
Adding my vote to this as well. I would like to keep using Rise at my company but need the xAPI capability. Thank you!
- SarahVaughan-9cCommunity Member
Adding in my vote also and agree with Richard Tomchuk for such an expensive authoring tool we should as users be able to get half-decent analytics from it. Needs what is now consisdered basic analytical functionality.