Insert images in line in text

Jun 28, 2018

There seems to be no way to insert an image in line in text in Rise like this:

Click the search  icon.

Or am I missing something?


33 Replies
Alyssa Carpenter

If anyone is coming to this thread still, emojis do work in line. You can search for ones you need here and copy/paste inline if you're working from a computer:

One downside is that the emojis will render differently depending on the learner's system they are opening the course from (Mac users will see Apple emojis which differs from Samsung which differs from Microsoft, etc). Emojipedia does a good job showing you what those different emojis look like so you can at least make sure they're similar enough to use.

Update: I also recently discovered, Windows 10 does have an emoji window! To use it: During text entry, type Windows logo key + . (period). The emoji keyboard will appear.

Dave Neal

I'll add to the votes here. I would love to see inline images, as well as either Fontawesome built in, or at least the ability to include a third font for dingbats. These simple tweaks would make it so much easier, but also so much better

I recently wanted to instruct learners to use the left and right arrows in the circles for a Rise Process interaction (Arrows) and it would have been quite helpful to be able to simply insert the image next to the text rather than eat up space unecessarily.

Thanks for considering these requests. It seems that a large population agrees that these would be beneficial changes.

Thanks also for a wonderful suite of products that we all love so much that we're willing to ask for these updates rather than simply look for a different software solution.