Justifying an image in a tab interaction

Jan 27, 2021


Can anyone advise on how I can change the justification of an image in a tab interaction? The images I add are all left justified and I would like them centred.

3 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hi Lucille!

Images with dimensions of 16:9 work best in a Rise Tabs block. If your image doesn't look centered, you can use PowerPoint to add white space on both sides of the image to make it appear centered within the tab.

Here's how:

  • Open PowerPoint.
  • Set the slide size to 16:9.
  • Insert the image on the PowerPoint slide. Scale up the image until it fills the height of the slide.
  • Align the image to the center of the slide.
  • Save the PPT file as a PNG image.
  • Insert the PNG image in the Rise Tabs block.

And in case it helps, here's a video of those steps in action!