Miro Board Not Displaying Properly as Embedded Multimedia

Jan 13, 2023

I want to include an embedded activity with Miro where learners add their thoughts after a lesson to a visual board with sticky notes so they can solidify their learning and see others' thoughts they might not have thought of.

The issue I'm running into is when I click preview, what is displaying is 'Sign Up | Miro | Online Whiteboard for Visual Collaboration.' I want it to display a preview of the board to draw the learner in. When I got the link to embed from Miro, I selected 'anyone with the link can edit,' so I'm not sure what else I can do.

Any ideas, please let me know. Thanks!

2 Replies
Susi B

Hi Julia,

if it´s not working with the embedded block you could use the image&text block, add a screenshot from your Miro board and add a link to it in the text. I know it´s not what you initially wanted, but could be a good workaround. The learners leave the tab with your course tho. This is probably nothing you want them to do. But just explain in the text that clicking on the link will open a new window/tab and they should return to the course, when they finished.

You could also contact the support, maybe they can give you another hint or work on a solution.

Hopefully this helps a bit.


Christopher Santos

Hi Julia,

It looks like you are using a URL to paste in the embed field. Is that correct? The screenshot you showed is normally how it would appear.  Can you grab the embed code instead?  I did that with a test project, and here's how it shows when I view the Rise share link:


Here's the embed code that I got from Miro:

<iframe width="768" height="432" src="https://miro.com/app/live-embed/uXjVPuWgIq4=/?moveToViewport=-550,-378,2031,1140&embedId=661158899236" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allow="fullscreen; clipboard-read; clipboard-write" allowfullscreen></iframe>

You can also try enclosing the link with the embed code.  The basic syntax will be:

<iframe src="paste URL here"></iframe>

As Susi mentioned, you can also reach out to our support team if you need further guidance with the embed block.