Uploaded Fonts FAIL

Jan 27, 2021

I uploaded our company fonts (Franklin Gothic for headings and Georgia for body) but they look awful in Rise (see pic below). I have them in there as WOFF files and they are all smudged and I can't seem to get them to look any better. Any suggestions? I definitely can't let a course go out like this.

Smudged fonts

1 Reply
Lea Agato

Hi Lisa, I'm sorry to hear you're having this issue. I haven't encountered this myself, but I'd be happy to help you troubleshoot. Can you share the following information so I can better understand the problem:

1. What browser/device are you using to view your course?

2. Are you seeing the blurry /smudged fonts when you're previewing the course or in the published version?  

3. Have you experienced this issue using other fonts (built-in or custom)?