"Zoom in" on Images in Rise

Oct 17, 2020

I'm working on some "case studies" involving the design/layout of electrical systems. These diagrams are very large; even at full screen width it is difficult to see the details of the electrical design components. I need to be able to explain the minute details of the design.

If I could wave a magic wand, I would be looking for a "zoom tool" on an image so the user can seamlessly zoom into the image and pan as desired. 

Knowing this is not a feature in Rise, does anyone have an idea for how to recreate this type of zoom interaction with an image, either in Storyline or in Rise?

I'm unable to share specific images of my client's work, but the image looks something like this: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=OJtaSrGU&id=4BEB2110CE038228C9C11B548AC5B615365BC3CA&thid=OIP.OJtaSrGU8FHRuHtj9R9ktQHaEc&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fwcs.smartdraw.com%2fcircuit-diagram%2fimg%2felectrical-design-software.png%3fbn%3d1510011134&exph=864&expw=1440&q=electrical+design&simid=608013875929483213&ck=619615124EB2D4607527E6636727E8F9&selectedIndex=10&FORM=IRPRST&ajaxhist=0

2 Replies
Anthony Goss

Storyline has a Zoom region.  In Rise, have you thought about having the main image in a Labeled Graphic Block?  You could then take several zoomed in sections of the main image and place markers on the larger image.  When the user clicks on the marker, they will be able to view the zoomed in section.  I do this with music notation/sheet music all of the time. 

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