This is a set of four Engage community interactions that work with Engage '09 only. Please not that these interactions were built by the community, and are not supported by Articulate. If you have any questions or problems with the interactions, please post a question in the forum. 

For more info on Engage community interactions, check out this page.

Interaction #1: Flipbook


This community Engage interaction allows users to step through a series of related content pages in the metaphor of a book or instruction manual. See a published sample of the interaction hereAfter you download the .artkpkg file, just double-click it to install. Next time you open Engage to create a new interaction, choose Community Interactions and then select Flipbook. 


Interaction #2: Stairstep 


This community Engage interaction allows users to explore sequential content items by moving through a stairstep metaphor. See a published sample of the interaction hereAfter you download the .artkpkg file, just double-click it to install. Next time you open Engage to create a new interaction, choose Community Interactions and then select Stairstep.


Interaction #3: Flashcard


This community Engage interaction allows users to reveal additional content associated with a term, phrase, or question. This interaction comes pre-installed with Engage, but you can download it again if you need to. See a published sample of the interaction hereAfter you download the .artkpkg file, just double-click it to install. Next time you open Engage to create a new interaction, choose Community Interactions and then select Flashcards. 


Interaction #4: Carousel


This community Engage interaction was developed by Articulate Customer Support Engineer Dave BurtonSee a published sample of the interaction hereAfter you download the .artkpkg file, just double-click it to install. Next time you open Engage to create a new interaction, choose Community Interactions and then select Carousel. If you have questions about this interaction or how to use it, feel free to contact Dave directly.