Video Tutorials
Overview of Themes and Templates in Storyline 360
The templates in Content Library 360 are designed to be beautiful and effective, but you can still add your own creative spin! In this session, we’ll review what’s included with the templates, how to modify them, and how to add interactions.
- Storyline 360: Using Design Themes
- Storyline 360: Working with Theme Colors
- Storyline 360: Working with Theme Fonts
- Storyline 360: Using Text Styles
- Storyline 360: Changing the Background Design
- Storyline 360: Using Slide Masters
- Storyline 360: Using Feedback Masters
- Using Design Themes to Build Course Starter Templates in E-Learning #450: Challenge | Recap
- Course Starter Templates for E-Learning #123: Challenge | Recap
- Course Starters: E-Learning Templates for Leadership Training #230 Challenge | Recap
- Course Starters: Comic Book Theme E-Learning Templates #204 Challenge | Recap
- Course Starters: Leadership Training #230: Challenge | Recap
- Course Starters: Using Office Themed Designs in E-Learning #234 Challenge | Recap
Next Steps
Now that you know how themes and templates work in Storyline 360, it’s time to put those skills into practice. Here are some suggested activities to help you get started working with themes and templates using the ThemesTemplates_PRACTICE.story file from the downloads:
- Practice 01: Create a new theme color based on the colors on slide 1.1.
- Practice 02: Create a new theme font for heading and body based on the fonts on slide 2.1
- Practice 03: Add the image on slide 3.1 as a background image by either creating a new slide master or a new slide layout with the image.
- Practice 04: Create a new slide master layout with text and image placeholders based on the design elements on slide 4.1.
Articulate 360 Resources to Bookmark
Updated 9 hours ago
Version 2.0