Screenshot of a question card from the game. At the top is a trivia question. Below it are four answers the player can choose from.

When a company needed to quickly pivot its in-person board game to an online digital version, Storyline 360 came to the rescue. And the result won DemoFest’s Best in Show: Vendor award at Learning Solutions 2023!

In this behind-the-scenes project tour from creator Kai Dean, you’ll discover creative ways to use Storyline 360 features—like dials, question banks, states, triggers, and variables—to replicate common aspects of board games.

If you want to play the game, check it out here.

Want to try creating something similar in Storyline 360, but don’t have Articulate 360? Start a free 30-day trial. And subscribe to our newsletter to stay up-to-date on the latest e-learning examples.

Debra Mascott