Instructions for Mac users to open zip file

Apr 26, 2017

When I package a file (say Studio 13, Presenter) for reviewers to view, they extract the files and play the html file. What are the instructions for Mac users? Usually Mac users can view the file.


10 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Julie,

Looks like your email signature came through when you replied via email! No worries, this Peek video will show you how to remove it! But it also means that an attachment you included won't be uploaded.

You can upload it using the “ADD ATTACHMENT” button at the bottom of the reply window.  If you're seeing the .ppta and .ppt files though - it sounds like it hasn't been published yet. Are you the one publishing the course? What publish method did you choose? 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Julie,

From the published output the Mac users would follow the steps I shared at the beginning to double click the zip folder to extract it and then they can click the HTML or HTML5 file to open the content in their browser.

The folder you shared here only included the .ppt file and .ppta file which is not the published output. If you send them that version they'll need Presenter to open and see the interactive elements. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Brandon,

Sure - on a Mac you'll want to do the following: 

  1. Download the zipped folder to your computer
  2. Double click the zipped folder
  3. Note, a new folder (unzipped) is automatically created and it should match your project title/file name
  4. In that new folder, look for the file that ends in _html5.html or  _html.html or index.html. (Depends on your publishing options)
  5. Double click on that file, and it should launch in your default browser.

Keep in mind, testing published content locally isn't something we'd recommend as you may encounter security restrictions as detailed here or the content may not run. 


Julie, just a note -  Replying via email will include your signature. You can edit out your contact information from your post if you'd like!  

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