Matching Presenter resolution to Storyline

May 26, 2016


I have a custom resolution in Storyline of 1024 x 576.  I'd like to match that resolution in presenter/powerpoint but in powerpoint the slide size is measured in inches.  I've looked around at a few different posts here and elsewhere and found conflicting information.  If there is an easy formula to match the powerpoint/presenter project to a specific Storyline resolution, please let me know.  I have developers working in both and want to maintain consistency.





9 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

At least set the size you want in Powerpoint and then import into Storyline to see what size you end up getting? Also since you can import into Storyline from Powerpoint, but not vice a versa - if you need a lot of people to contribute who don't have Storyline licenses that'll be the best way to go. Also you may want to review the information here in terms of importing into Powerpoint. 

Adam Hain

Yes, I think I'll do that.  Most others are working in Studio and I am in Storyline.  What I am trying to do is create unified course templates in both.  I'm using the higher resolution in Storyline because I've read here and noticed on my own that the default is a bit fuzzy at times.  

Ultimately, though I have users that could be on any device so I want to use the best sharpest resolution.   I also have authors Studio and Storyline so I need to make templates for both.  I want to front load this decision, so don't end up having to revise courses later.


Adam Hain

Hi Ashley,

I want to thank you again for taking a moment to look at this.  Yes I am bumping up the story size in Storyline to 1024 x 576.  This specific size is not mandatory, but was recommended here on other threads.  

I am doing this under the assumption that a higher resolution will lead to a sharper display on various devices as more my users move to modern screens/ retinas etc.   I ran a test with both the standard story size and the higher resolution and found vector graphics looked a bit sharper in the later, but that starting with a higher resolution image (expectedly) made a bigger difference in quality.  All of that said, do you think there is really an advantage to using a larger story size in this regard?

I also always set the player settings to "resize browser to fill screen" and "scale player to fill browser window" which I believe are related to this conversation, just FYI.

Hope this helps.  I've always used the default, which looks great on ipad, but I find on a desktop screen the same module will look a bit fuzzy.  This is what I was referring to before.

Thanks again!


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Adam,

Ah, thanks for the clarification. As far as a recommended size it all will depend on the elements you're including and where you expect your users will access the course content.  There is a good article here on how to determine optimal slide size for a mobile device, based on what they're capable of displaying. 

If you're allowing the content to scale with your player and browser settings that will contribute to a loss of clarity when viewed at a larger size than the story size you've set up. So it's a bit of a personal preference and what your users will expect. I don't publish courses for client consumption, so I'm not the best to give you a opinion on what to use - but my personal thought would be to lock my player at the optimal size so that things display with the quality and set up I included. 

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