Preview Studio 360 & Quizmaker 360 Word output - not working

Mar 29, 2018

Dear team @ E-Learning Heroes,

I have had some problems with my Articulate Studio 360 which were no issue in 13'. The production seems to work but the preview functionalities are not working correctly. It's mainly about HTML5 conversion:

Point 1 - Studio 360
If I want to preview some slides of a course, they won't show in the preview screen.

Point 2 - Quizmaker 360 - Resolved
If I want to publish a Quizmaker quiz as Word file for customer feedback, it will create a folder but this folder is empty with no Word file to be seen. Eventhough Quizmaker tells me, it was "published successfully", no preview-, open- or zip-functions will work. No matter what folder I publish it to... . Could it have to do with ZIP-software? As Word complained about some unknow application when it did not do it's job and I still had a test version of a ZIP compression software on that laptop.
Funny enough, this function still works perfectly on my other Laptop (which is not my primary device) and I am almost afraid to do an update of Studio 360 there for fear I will encounter the same problem. - Resolved

Point 3 - Quizmaker 360
If I create a (standalone) Quizmaker file outside a course, there are no navigation possibilities and I end up looking at the same slide with no possibility to move on.

Since I didn't find corresponding articles on the first two problems, I was wondering if you could help me, or tell me were to find a solution.

Best regards


10 Replies
Samuel Rackstraw

Dear Alyssa,
Thank you for asking.

Point 1: I just want to preview 3 slides. I see the loading bar while the slides are "prepared" but when they are "ready" I see a blanc screen, optionally embedded in a stylized mobile device, depending on the view I choose.
I think the conversion generally works, but having the preview is helpful and can save a lot of time.

Point 3: No, I don't get the submit button. I think the quiz works if it's embedded within a course but here also, the benefit of a preview would help before I convert the whole training.

Best regards

Crystal Horn

Thanks, Sam, for the answers.  You should be able to see your slide content in the Preview.  Would you be able to attach your Articulate Package to this discussion for me to test?  I'd like to see what happens on my end.

Regarding your quiz, can you confirm how your users should submit their answers?  They can submit them as they go (with the submit button on the Player) or all at once (by using the Next and Prev buttons to navigate between questions.

One thing to check: By default, Quizmaker requires learners to scroll to the end of lengthy questions before submitting their answers, but you can turn this feature off by unchecking the box to Require user to scroll to bottom on longer questions.

You can attach your .quiz file here separately, and I can run some testing on it as well.  Thanks!

Samuel Rackstraw

Dear Crystal,

Thanks for your answer. I’m sorry, I can’t share any customer files due to confidentiality issues.

Point 1 - Studio 360
I did the most obvious, being to uninstall and reinstall studio 360.
I also created a simple PowerPoint file with 3 empty default slides only containing blue vector boxes to test the preview functionality again with an uncorrupted file. This worked on my secondary machine but still doesn’t work on my primary device.
I just don’t understand why the preview functionality works on my secondary, but not on my primary machine, if I use the same procedure on both, the setup probably being pretty much the same? Is it a Flash issue (I guess not, as at least HTML5 should work), an antivirus issue (I guess then it wouldn’t work on the secondary machine either), a need to repair any windows applications (I remember that repairing “Word” solved Point 2) …? What am I overseeing here?
From experience, I wonder if I would face the same problems using iSpring.

Point 3 - Quizmaker 360
I have been trying around with the quiz maker on my secondary machine (as the preview also doesn’t work for quizmaker on the primary one) and I deactivated the “Require user to scroll to bottom on longer questions”. Sadly, this did not help.
I also tried to see what happens if I change the screen behavior in the player (as I remember this having a substantial influence on the displayed font in some cases) but this did not solve the problem either.
Interestingly, if I view the quiz in preview mode (which works on my secondary backup device) and switch to a mobile device view, I get a check mark or a submit button. Its only in the computer view, that I don’t get any possibility to move on in a standalone quiz file.

Best regards and a good weekend

Samuel Rackstraw

Dear Community,

the problem with the "slide preview" not working in Studio 360 is still there on one of my machines. I could not resolve it even after x repairs and reinstallations of Articulate 360 and Studio 360. I did not want to send customer files as the European laws are very strict regarding data security. Yet, this problem only appears on one of my three machines. Could it be a hardware issue? I tried so many things like repairing PowerPoint and also the deactivation the “Click-to-Run” option after learning that this can cause problems. Nothing worked. Still… if anyone faces the same problem “Slide preview” not working in Studio 360, I’D be very happy if you could tell me if you found a solution.

Best regards

Crystal Horn

I'm really sorry to hear that, Samuel.  I was hoping our support engineers could get to the bottom of it.  If you're still interested, it looks like Victor reached out to you with an invitation.  Feel free to reply back to his email of June 15.

Community members - if anyone has experienced a similar, machine-specific problem like what Samuel is seeing, please let us know!

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Princess,

I haven't heard of other reports similar to Samuel's issue, so it was likely specific to his machine or install of Studio. You can always start by ensuring you meet the system requirements outlined here to run the software and then look at repairing Studio. 

Also, if you need to connect with our Support Team they're available 24/7 for one on one troubleshooting! 

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