Tracking course completion on particular slide

Sep 05, 2011

Hi ,

When we publish the course for LMS, there are two ways for tracking completion. One is either tracking using number of slides viewed and the other is tracking using quiz results.

The course which we are developing does not include a quiz and we have to mark the completion when learner views a particular slide. The number of that particular slide will vary depending on how the learner performs in the scenario based questions within the course.

Is there any way I can define the slide, after reading which the course is marked completed instead of assigning a slide number to it as required in the first option?

4 Replies
Stefano Posti

Hello Ulka,

using a fake Quiz is the best choice, in my opinion. A quiz con simply contain a question put as an interaction, and changing the PASS and FAIL results slides in the Design view playing with scores and results to make the quiz always passed, you can have a key slide that is actually a quiz...

Jeanette wrote a very useful post on this, but I can't recall ...

hope it helps


Adrian Gates

A bit less elegant, you could set the number of slides viewed to complete to 100% of the slides in your course, so the slide you want them to see becomes one of the slides they must see. Of course, this doesn't work well if the course design is non-linear or if the typical student isn't intended to visit every slide. In those cases, the fake quiz is the way to go.

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