Upgrade a Presentation to Articulate Presenter '13 - how much work is it?

Apr 10, 2017

Hi All,

I have a Studio 09 course of 6 modules, each with a 'run-time' of about 30 minutes. They all use Engage interactions and Quizzes throughout.

With a need to now support iPads, I need to convert/upgrade to either Studio 13 or Storyline.

If I plan to keep all the content unchanged as much as possible, how can I estimate how much work would be involved for an experienced Articulate developer under these two options?

If anyone has worked out a formula or some rules of thumb to come up with a time estimate I'd be very grateful if they could share them, also if you can recommend an organisation or developer to do this based on your experience of them?

Many thanks,


15 Replies
Ali Goulet

Hey there Bryan,

Thanks so much for reaching out here! If you're wanting to upgrade your courses from Studio '09 to Studio '13, it's typically a pretty seamless process that only takes a couple minutes. When you open a Studio '09 file in Studio '13 for the first time, you'll be asked if you wish to upgrade your course to Studio '13. Once you click upgrade, your file will be automatically upgraded and a backup of your original file will also be available. You can check out this article for further information regarding this as well. 

Since you mentioned that mobile viewing is a main reason for wanting to upgrade your courses, you may also want to check out the new Articulate 360, which includes Studio 360. The upgrade process is the same as I described above, and this article includes a great comparison chart of differences you may notice when upgrading between versions based on software improvements. Studio 360 includes the new responsive player which makes for great viewing on mobile devices. It also includes the option to be able to publish for HTML5 only and the ability to preview how your course will look on each device right while authoring. Might be worth checking out to see if it better meets your mobile needs! 

I'll defer to the community for personal experience and insights here but I hope this is at least helpful as a jumping off point. Please let me know if you have further questions :) 

Bryan McCrae

Hi Ali

Thanks for your reply. I've had another reply from a user who hasd been through this process and says that 'From bitter experience, converting Studio 09, or Quizmaker 09 to the 13 versions is full of little traps' and detailed one of them.

Rather than go through the pain of discovering them each individually, I'm looking for some input around what to watch out for beyond the standard documented process...... could you explore this with your support team please and offer any relevant advice?

Many thanks,



Ali Goulet

Hey Bryan!

I can definitely understand the need to know all the ins and outs of the upgrade process before moving forward.

What Jon described here about support for slide transitions is explained in this article I've also linked above. If you scroll down, there's a chart that lists the differences in all three studio versions that you'll notice upon upgrading to each. This will be the most valuable resource for what to expect when going through this process. 

And of course, if you run into any behavior that seems unexpected- don't hesitate to reach out directly to our Support Engineers here. They'll be happy to work with you to get your courses upgraded as seamlessly as possible!

Bryan McCrae

Hi Ali,

Thanks for your response and that article. I wonder if you could help further;

Is the upgrade process the same to Studio 13 and Presenter 360?

Is support for HTML5 more complete on Presenter 360 than Studio 13?

To achive the best results for use on an iPad, would you recommend Studio 13, Presenter 360 or Storyboard  (based on importing an existing Studio 09 course and make as few changes as possible) and would you recommend publishing for HTML5 or for AMP?

Ali Goulet

I'd love to explain further, Bryan! To answer your questions:

  1. Yup! Same process. When opening a course for the first time in Studio 360, you'll be prompted to upgrade
  2. Yup again! We increased support for HTML5 across all 360 tools, plus we’ve added an HTML5 only publishing option.
  3. Storyline 360 and Studio 360 use the same HTML5 publishing engine and responsive player - so your course will look it’s best on every device. No need to use AMP, unless you have to support FLV videos. Plus they both include gesture support in HTML5!

I gave our Success team a heads up that you’re looking at upgrading. They’ll be in touch to answer any other questions, so keep an eye out for an email from sales@articulate.com! 😊

Bryan McCrae

Hi Ali,

Thanks again for the rapid response.

From what you say, to achive the best results for use on an iPad, it seems that  Presenter 360 or Storyline would give a better response and output  than Studio 13/Presenter 13 , which presumably has an older less developed HTML5 engibne, is this the case?

Also, if I have FLV videos, presumabably they won't run on iPads ?

Do FLV videos run on Windows browers if published through Storyline 360 or Studio 360?

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Bryan,

FLV videos with alpha channel will be re-encoded to an MP4 file in the HTML5 output:


So the Mobile player available in the App Store would allow those to work as a standard FLV file on the iPad. 

If you haven't yet upgraded to Articulate 360, take a look at the trial (install Storyline 360 first over Studio 360, as you can only have one Studio version installed at a time) and do a test publish of your content. Let us know how that one behaves! 

Bryan McCrae

Hi Ali,

I'm leaning toward going for Studio 360 due to its more developed HTML5 capabilities. When I upgrade Engage interactions from Studio 09, i've been told that they will become 'web objects' and that they will therefore be uneditable - can you confirm if this is the case please?

Also if I have FLV videos, does the upgrade process convert these  (into MP4?) automatically too?



Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Bryan! 

Videos are encoded in Studio in the same way as detailed here.

If you're upgrading an Engage interaction it's going to follow the path here (depending on version and where you'll be viewing it).

If you were inserting that Engage 09 interaction into Storyline 2 or later, then the recommendation was to do it as a web object - but that's the only area where I'd see that happening. Did you read this somewhere that I could follow up on? 

Let me know if you need anything else!

Bryan McCrae

Hi Ashley,

I'm  under the impression, from talking to some experienced Articulate developers that that the automatic upgrade and republish to HTML5 (from Stuio 09 to Studio 360)  will automatically produce web objects for the existing Engage 09 interactions (and Quizzes?) which look and behave the same as the original.

But the downside is that they will no longer be editable in Studio 360 and would need to be individually recreated from scratch if any changes were needed.

Can you confirm if this is the case please?



Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Bryan,

I gave it a test just to make sure I wasn't crazy - and upgraded an Engage 09 interaction direct to Engage 360 and everything opened normally and I was able to edit and publish. I published to Review with HTML5 first in case you want to give it a test. 

Do you have a link to where this was discussed or an example Engage 09 interaction that isn't working correctly? I'd be happy to clarify or test any other examples for you! I'd hate for there to be confusion around this. 

If you've got the .intr file  upload it using the “ADD ATTACHMENT” button at the bottom of the reply window. If you’d prefer to not share in the public forums you’re always welcome to share with our Support Engineers here. They’re available 24/7 to assist! 

Bryan McCrae

Hi Ashley, I've attached a sample Engage 09 interaction, if you could upgrade it in Studio 360 and see if it is editable in Studio 360 that would be much appreciated. The input that I'm getting that it wouldn't be editable (because it would publish as a web object) after upgrading is from several experienced Articulate developers, including the UK Articulate distributor. 

I'd be delighted to find that it remains ediatbale after upgrading!



Ali Goulet

Hey Bryan! 

I made a quick screen recording of what the upgrade process for your Engage file looks like which you can take a Peek at here.

You'll see that it'll be upgraded the first time you open it in Engage 360, and you'll still be able to edit it.

If you were to import it into Storyline 360, that's when it would become a web object and not able to be edited. You can read more about that here

Hope that helps to clarify a bit! ☺️

Bryan McCrae

Hi Ali


Thanks for taking the time to do this and for clarifying the situation for me.

Its taken me quite a lot of time and trouble to get to a definitive answer on this (and many developers seem to hold different opinions too), so I'm wondering whether clarifying this quite significant difference between Storyline and Studio 360 in the support documentation comparison charts might be useful for others?

Perhaps here;

 https://articulate.com/support/article/How-to-Upgrade-an-Interaction-to-Articulate-Engage-360 and

or even a support article specifically comparing upgrade options, pros and cons and when moving forward from Studio 09 to Storyline ?





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