Web Object Video not loading in published file

May 16, 2011

Hi all,

Ran into an interesting problem that seems to be affecting a few folks outside of our office. I recently created an articulate presenter file that has 12 web object videos hosted from a vimeo.com (loading these videos directly as flv's or swf's would exceed our file size limit for our lms). Everything works great in the office when I preview or publish the file and load it on my computer, but when I sent the file out of the office to members of our review team or tried loading the file on their computers within the office the web object videos did not load. In fact, there wasn't even a place holder... it was almost as if there was nothing there!

I did some searching and think my issue is related to Chandra's:


I do not have access to our live website/ server to publish our review files, as I need approval prior to posting on our site. I just want to make sure that our review team can view the module with video and give me some feedback!

Also, would this same issue occur if it was published to our website? Or is this only localized to the zipped presentation?



4 Replies
Justin Wilcox

If you are using Studio '09, make sure you are publishing for CD if the content is going to be viewed locally. However, I would really encourage anyone who is an author to request a dedicated testing section on your LMS or web server for testing content. Testing content locally is really not a valid substitute for testing your content in the environment you plan on hosting in my opinion. It's just too different. I can't tell you how many cases we get that result from simply testing or viewing content offline.

Brian Batt

Hi Robert,

The web object should work properly once you get it online.  In a nutshell, IE doesn't like it when you run a file locally and then try to access a website within that local content.

If you want to go ahead and test your content online, you could setup a free Dropbox account and upload it there for testing.  For more information, see the link below:


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