Mouse/Cursor out of Sync

Jun 13, 2017

When recording my screen in replay all seems OK, however, when I play back the screen record, the mouse is out of sync with where it should be. As I'm creating training videos, it is important that the video is a clear representation of the process, having it a few inches out is not very clear for those who will eventually watch them. 

I'm new to Articulate so wondering if anyone has had this problem before and how they overcame it please?

28 Replies
Maria Costa-Stienstra

Hi, Dakota.

Thank you for opening a support case with our engineers! I see you're working with my teammate Rowie, who e-mailed information on some steps to try. Please reach out to Rowie if you have additional questions, but just to recap for anyone else who might find this discussion:

Cathy Shields

Hi ,I am still experiencing this issue in Articulate Replay, more than a year after this discussion was posted. I have tried changing screen resolution etc and it is not working. Could people let me know if you found a solution? Currently Replay is not fit for making screen recordings... Cathy

Quentin Dauthier

What's absurd is that the issue has been on-going for at least 5 years.

I've used lots of tools to create screen recordings, and so far Articulate Replay 360 is the only one with this problem.

Has a solution been found on YOUR end?

I should not have to reduce screen resolution or do any of the other abovementioned hacks to get your software to work properly.

What's the problem with Replay 360 that is so difficult that 5 years hasn't been sufficient time to resolve it? 

This is holding up a project that I am working on.

I guess this won't be in your next commercial.