Multiple Replay 360 Issues

Nov 02, 2023

I am fairly new to Replay 360. I am having a couple of issues. The first is that when I upload MP4 videos to Replay 360, it only shows me the video, but no audio. I've done some Googling and I'm in the process of downloading HandBrake now since it seems like other people have been told to do that for similar issues. But all downloads have to have approval from corporate IT so this could take awhile (if it does actually get approved). I am confused why Replay 360 doesn't have a workaround instead of using an external app.

Anyway, the issue that is mostly frustrating me today is that I used Replay 360 to record my microphone for several audio clips. These audio clips usually work the first 1-2 times I play them, but then they seem to stop. The audio either sounds very choppy or like there's some other technical issue with them. Sometimes the clip will work again, but it seems like the longer I use Replay 360, the less the audio clips work. I wouldn't think HandBrake could help with this since I am recording the audio directly into Replay 360. I could use some help with this. I've been working on a project all day and haven't gotten anywhere.

Another issue I am having is a severe delay between the time when I click on my video's timeline and when Replay 360 recognizes I've clicked. Clicking works fine in Rise 360 and every other program on my computer. If I click something and then immediately move my mouse, by the time Replay 360 recognizes my click, it instead clicks on what the mouse is over at that time, not what the mouse was on when I clicked.

The other issue I've been experiencing is that when I record my screen directly from Replay 360, sometimes it will record the area I select, but sometimes, it will record about 1/2 of what I selected and 1/2 of a black box on the right side. This seems to be worse the longer I've been logged into Replay 360.

Please help.

7 Replies
Maureen Wilson

I am having the smae issue.  I have been using for years and recently the Video and audio loads and play back has no sound.  Tried encoding in Handbrake and switching for auto to manual and mute and back but no luck.  Video play with audio outside of replay.  Very frustrated. Will need to purchase another video editing tool.  ARRRRRG!

Jose Tansengco

Hi Maureen, 

Sorry to hear that you ran into this issue, and I'll be happy to look into this for you.

I'd like to ask a few questions to help clarify your experience: 

Additionally, would you be willing to share a copy of the affected video file here or in private by opening a support case so we can check what's happening? We'll delete it when we're done testing!


Jose Tansengco

Hi Maureen,

Thanks for the additional information. Since all of your Replay 360 projects are affected, follow these steps to repair your Replay 360 installation:

If the issue persists, please open a case with our support team to contact our support engineers for additional assistance.