3D Models in Storyline

Feb 07, 2020


is it possible to insert 3D Models and having the leanrers to rotate it with their own mouse? If not yet, when will this be available? I find this very useful and have seen it at the Learntec.

28 Replies
Glenn Bronckers

Dear Ralf,

Great to see this feature.
I made a 3d animation with the files you provided.
When the animation is published to review 360, the animation works perfect!
When the animation is published to LSM/LRS as scorm 1.2 the animation does not work anymore.
I can still see the image but I can’t zoom or rotate the image anymore.

Do you know how to solve this issue?

I hope to hear form you soon!!

Kind regards,

Met vriendelijke groet,​

Glenn Bronckers

Senior Trainer


Berchvliet 18 / 1046 CA Amsterdam /
T +31 88 00 44 123
/ www.autoniveau.nl

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