Animation in Storyline through the Morph Transition

Nov 12, 2018

Some time ago, PowerPoint came out with a transition called Morph that literally morphs shapes, colors, strokes, graphics, etc. from one slide to the next. In other words, if you build a design on one slide, duplicate the slide, and make changes to the shapes on the second slide, the Morph transition will smoothly deform the shapes from the first slide to the next.

This transition is POWERFUL for animation. I feel that small animations of this kind are especially important for a product like Storyline. In a sense, the ability to build animations is one of the key features that I feel is missing from Storyline. If Articulate would consider adding the Morph transition to Storyline, it would allow users to animate the graphics on the screen with triggers, and I believe that would open up new worlds of possibility with Storyline.

Is this something you all would consider adding to Storyline?

249 Replies
Gethyn Hudson

I work in a team of around About 100. We would all love to have it as a feature on here!

Gethyn Hudson | Learning, Design and Delivery | Capability, Learning and Talent | People, Capability & Place Group | Department for Work and Pensions | Ty Taf | Main Avenue | Treforest Industrial Estate | Pontypridd | CF37 5YN | Phone 0300 046 5944 | | Please consider the environment before printing


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Learning Serg

Is there like a "bubbling under" list?  If it's on the roadmap page and I didn't see it, please let me know!

The features currently in development seem great. I just want to understand where Morph transition sits: is next on the list, barely on the radar, or somewhere in between (and if so, what that means for a timeline). This post alone is from 2018 and has a number of comments in support. Given that time, I think it's reasonable for the Product team to be clear with clients on whether or not this is happening, and if so the eta. Thanks!

Math Notermans

On April 11, so about a month ago @KerryMunz , Articulate CTO posted this article.

In which she promises more transparancy. Some quotes from the post.

"Transparency: We need to be more transparent about how we are prioritizing our work."
"Communication: We need to communicate proactively instead of reactively."
"We are committed to  more transparency and proactive communication directly with the engineering team because honestly we are only here because of you."

So lets see how transparant Articulate will be on the 'Morph'-transition.
Is this something to be expected this year or not ?

Jose Tansengco

Hi everyone,

Thank you for reaching out about our plans for Storyline 360! Don’t worry—we still have new features and enhancements planned for Storyline but are focusing on its quality first. You can learn more about this decision by reading our CTO’s announcement.

We’re committed to more transparency and providing you all with monthly updates as we refine the roadmap. Stay tuned!

Gethyn Hudson

Hi Joe,

So in this transparency a simple reply to a thread that is in multiple locations will be eagerly awaited. 

'Yes Morph will be coming to Storyline 360'.

Or 'Morph is not planned to be coming to our package and we had no idea of the desire for this facility'.

I guess these are the two options for you. So which is it to be? Or if you have a third we are all ears on this thread.



Cormac Cullen

I'm adding this in here because I think it directly affects getting any new features, such as the morph transition,  which we've been requesting since 2018 but does any else feel that Articulate are giving more time to their easy-win/made for beginners authoring tool 'Rise' to the detriment of Storyline? 

Jürgen Schoenemeyer

do you want a morph animation or a morph transition ?

  • morph animation (svg based) could be done with gsap (included in storyline) - not a big deal**
  • but for morph transition from one slide (with any content) to each other slide (with any content) there is no solution in browser available - I know only tools which creates videos*.

* if anyone knows solutions in other programms, which works at runtime in the browser - please post the urls here in the forum

** only shape animations

Sascha Fluri

Hallo zusammen,

Wann kommt die Morph-Funktion endlich zu Storyline? Die Funktion existiert bereits seit über 5 Jahren in PowerPoint. Niemand scheint sich für die vielen Anfragen von Nutzern zu interessieren? Ich weiß, dass es andere Optionen gibt, aber sie sind nicht benutzerfreundlich. Ich bin enttäuscht.

Math Notermans

GSAP Morph is indeed a paid plugin for Javascript and GSAP. But its worth every penny.
These are only basic shapes in Storyline.
Here a similar sample of me showing some possibilities of the other plugins of GSAP.

And here some more...

I do think i have a morph from 1 svg to another somewhere... will find and link that too.