Articulate Custom Add-Ons/Plugins?

Jan 08, 2014

Hi all,

I just telephoned Articulate support with this question and I hope someone has experience here.

There are two things we want to do with Articulate that it does not do out of the box.

  1. We would like the learner to be able to upload their own inputs to help tell their own story. For instance, if the topic of the course is leadership, we want them to be able to upload their own image and quote or story about leadership that has the most meaning for them.
  2. Upon completion of the course, we want the software to publish a downloadable PDF which has our content AND the content they contributed put together in a template we design.

I have approached some developers who have experience with e-learning software but they are not familiar specifically with Articulate's capability, so I'm hoping someone here has experience developing solutions like this. Thanks for your insights.

4 Replies
Math Notermans

This is possible. I cannot get it working on Review due to some Review restrictions, but as you can test can upload images and they will be saved per user.

When logging in, do login as Math,Test with password Welkom123 and you see the latest picture i uploaded. Make a new user with some name ( do use Firstname,LastName because i want it to work on LMS's ) and then upload an image... do add a new password,  i have to troubleshoot that a bit...without entering a new password things go wrong...  but the uploading works.

I leave this demo open this week. Closing it off on friday 13th else probably too much spam and traffic on my account...

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