Articulate storyline 360 replay button not working

Mar 20, 2019

Hello Team,

In AS 360 version v3.25.18088.0 replay button is not working if I kept a setting 'Resume saved state' in slide property.



31 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hi Arif,

In some cases, you may notice that the Rewind button at the right end of the seekbar doesn't actually start the slide over from the beginning.

The behavior of the Rewind button is determined by the “When revisiting” property for each slide. There are three options to choose from:

  • Automatically decide: This is the default option, and it means Storyline will decide automatically whether to rewind the slide or not. Here's the logic: If the slide contains just simple objects and audio but no interactivity, Storyline will rewind the slide to the beginning of the slide’s timeline. However, if the slide contains any interactive elements, such as buttons or any other object that includes a visited/selected state, Storyline won't rewind the slide.
  • Resume saved state: This option will always prevent the slide from rewinding.
  • Reset to initial state: This option will always force the slide to rewind.

Try changing the resume behavior to Automatically decide or Reset to initial state and let me know if you see a difference!

Arif Shaikh

Thank you for your reply...

I am working on a project where I created 4 tabs in a single slide and set a layer on the same slide.

so I want functionality like

1. anyone clicks on the tabs and enter layers and come back on the main slide, so that time if I click on the replay button, will work and voice over also play.

but in my case replay button not working if someone enters layers and back to the main slide and same issues with triggers slides as well.

for more information I attached my storyline file please check. 

Arif Shaikh

Hello Ashley,

Thank you for your update and I appreciate your efforts, but that functionality work only that particular slide, if I want to do same thing lesson 4 (Example of Evidences slide) and lesson 5 (Example of Evidences slide). this functionality won't work on these two  "lesson 4 (Example of Evidences slide) and lesson 5 (Example of Evidences slide)" slides.

These two slides are a very painful area.

Again I attached the same storyline file.



Leslie McKerchie

Thanks for the additional information, Arif.

I took another look and I believe I understand the behavior you are looking for. Based on your description, I focused on Slides 4.4 and 5.4.

Here is my Peek explaining.

*I did forget to mention that due to the ability to replay the base slide, you will actually need your original triggers of when the timeline starts + the one I shared.

They are both in the attached file.

Katie Riggio

Hi there, Arif. Happy to help, too! 

I took a closer look at those 5 slides and saw that each one had When Revisiting: Resume saved state. I updated each slide to Reset to initial state instead so that learners can hear the audio replay upon revisit.

Here's a quick Peek 360 recording as a visual guide, and I've attached the modified file. Let me know if I'm off-base, and we'll explore some next steps!

Arif Shaikh

Hello Katie,

Thank you for your information, but earlier I used that functionality "Reset to initial state" but it won't support and not meet mine requirement.

Below is my requirements request you please check.

I want a functionality where I clicked on Slide 2.1 and complete the voice over and Select "1" button to enter slide 2.2 and get back to slide 2.1 the voice over will not repeat and complete status "Tick" shows in Slide 2.1 and if I click on Reply button the voice-over have to repeat the voice in slide 2.1.

This functionality I want Slides 1.5, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1.

Thank you for your tremendous support.


Luciana Piazza

Hi Michelle and Timur, 

Thanks so much for checking in. I've gone ahead and created support cases for you both so we can discuss this further with our talented Support Engineer staff. We'll be able to take a closer look at your projects and help share personalized assistance. 

One of our talented engineers will be in touch shortly for each of you via email. Thank you for your patience! 

Hope that you both have great starts to the week ahead! 

Surabhi V


The replay button does not seem to work in interaction slides that has been branched to different scenes/slides. In my case, the slide plays a content and then shows buttons for interaction. When returned after interaction, the content/audio cannot be played using either play button or replay button. It can be done by dragging the seekbar, but I have to disable the seekbar, as the client wants it.

When reset to intial state, it plays automatically when revisited and not when user wants to. So, this is also not an option for us.

Possible solution 1:

Separate the content and interaction to two different slides. One with content and another with interaction.

Where interaction slide has only buttons and no audio.


Possible solution 2(this is what I did):

Add another custom replay button on screen and trigger it to jump to start of timeline from beginning on the base slide.

Slide setting: Resume saved state.

Show layer with Replay button when revisited.(Layer settings: disable all options, reset )

Hope its helps until there is a software update.


Steven Benassi

Hi Surabhi!

Thanks for reaching out and sharing the workaround solutions you've found success with. I'm sure other users discovering this thread will find the information very helpful!

Also, I'll go ahead and include your voice in the Feature Report! We’ll update this discussion if this feature makes it on our feature roadmap.

Anne De Felice

Hi, I am also having this issue. I am setting most slides to "Reset to Initial State" as I understand this is less of a load on the LMS (Is this still the case?)

A subset of my slides are set to "Automatically Decide" which chooses "Resume Saved State." I do this because on these slides there are required buttons to click and I don't want to force learners to click the buttons again when they revisit the slide. 

As people have mentioned previously, the Replay button does not work on these slides set to "Resume Saved State." Can you make it so the Replay button does not appear or even better, works as expected? (I don't have time or resources to build my own Replay button.)

Steven Benassi

Hi Anne!

Thanks for reaching out and sharing the feedback!

We currently have a feature request logged to enhance the Rewind button to function consistently with other media players. I've included your voice in the feature report and will update this discussion if it makes it onto our Feature Roadmap.

Have a great start to your week!

Janet Chafey

On the slide that serves as a main menu, I've set the slide properties to resume saved state when revisiting. I don't want this slide to replay automatically but I would like the Replay button to actually work. It does not.

This is a usability issue, if the Replay button is there it should work without my taking extra time to create a workaround. Is there a timeline for fixing this?