Blurring text for privacy

Jul 07, 2017

I'm building courses for the staff at a college and it is sometimes necessary to display personal information on students in screenshots.  Is there a way to blur this information to keep it private?  I can do it in my photo editing software before importing the picture but was wondering if there is a way to do it after bringing the picture into Storyline 360.  

58 Replies
Joseph Francis

I find it both hilarious and concerning that so many posters expect Articulate to address their data integrity concerns, while continuing to engage in unsafe PII practices. Don't want a stranger walking into you house unannounced? Lock the bloody door. Don't want the dog chowing down your dinner when go get a drink? Don't leave it in a location the dog can easily get to. Don't want sensitive information to get out into the wild? Don't capture screens from a production system with sensitive information on it in the first place. This isn't rocket science.

Marcel Tatang
Joseph Francis

I find it both hilarious and concerning that so many posters expect Articulate to address their data integrity concerns, while continuing to engage in unsafe PII practices. Don't want a stranger walking into you house unannounced? Lock the bloody door. Don't want the dog chowing down your dinner when go get a drink? Don't leave it in a location the dog can easily get to. Don't want sensitive information to get out into the wild? Don't capture screens from a production system with sensitive information on it in the first place. This isn't rocket science.

It's too simplistic way of thinking. Clearly you haven't worked for a large multinational companies with their immense IT and high security demands on one hand and various systems on the other hand which you have to build a simulation to learn the complex systems using real data because there are no sandbox available. If you are using Articulate to build simple things for elementary school, then you don't need anything particular. Just try working for multinational company and demand them to purchase a sandbox on existing systems because you need to build a training simulation. Then you will know what we are talking about.

Joseph Francis

I guess being an eLearning architect for a Fortune 300 financial company which is nearing its 100th birthday, a Fortune 50 device medical manufacturer which is 130 years old, a global training provider, a Level I Trauma Center, beta tester for the Tier 1 eLearning development companies since 1995, eLearning conference speaker in the US, UK, and Netherlands, and 30 years in the industry isn't enough for noobs like you. Try working for an organization which is regulated by one or more entities including the FIO, NAIC, OCI, FDA, EMA, PDMA, FCC, Joint Commission, and/or DSPS, and let's see how flippant about PII you are.

All legitimate national and multinational organizations use multi-tiered environments for development and testing, loaded with dummy data, prior to deployment to production. If you don't understand the DEV/TEST/UAT/STG/PROD progression and SDLC, you can just sit on your hands at this point.

Nathanial Hilliard

Granted this this does not permanently blur your media, but here is an easy option for blurring most elements on your SL slide. This is a quick example, so it can be improved and refined.

Using a short piece of JavaScript, a few variables, and tagging the items you wish to blur in the alt text field, you can selectively blur any of them to different extents, turning it on or off as needed. You could modify the way items are tagged to better preserve the alt text fields.

Paris Granville

But sometimes we need to train staff internally. With FERPA we cannot have actual student names. But staff still need to learn the student information systems.


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