Controlling audio on a revisit to a slide

May 18, 2022

What I want to do is when the learner comes to the page first, the audio will play automatically… then if they come back to the page/slide, I want the next layer to appear that gives them a button to play the audio again…..

I created a T/F variable called playonce. 

Then I tried to create triggers for the rest…. Saying that the layer that includes the button only appears after the variable is false.

Because its not working, I am also not able to user click to the slide 1.3.  

6 Replies
Timothy Designs

Ok, I feel really dense. I used a playOnce variable in a project before successfully, now I cannot find it. Nothing I see out here works, and I know it must be simple.

I have the variable written as:

Name = playOnce, Type = True/False, Default Value = False

I have looked at several articles today including this one, and do not find the answer to my effort.

1. I have six buttons on a slide, and each button should go to one of six other slides. Simple enough with a Jump to slide X trigger.

2. I have a Return to menu button, which also uses a Jump to slide trigger. When I return to the menu of six buttons, the audio plays all over again. I don't want it to.

3. What is the playOnce trigger Action, When, and Condition if applicable, and do I put it on every on each of the six buttons?

4. What do I need to do to the Return to Menu button on each page?