Curve tool result doesn't match what you draw

Nov 03, 2016

I would like to draw a simple curved line, but when I use this tool, the curve that I see when I'm drawing is quite different from what the final product is.  I understand having a proper bezier curve like Illustrator might be too much to ask, but even the PowerPoint curve tool is 100% better than the one in Storyline.

It would be handy to have a more usable curve tool in Storyline so I can use built-in formatting. It's a pain to create curves in another program and import them as images.


15 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Thanks Terry for reaching out here - so it looks like what you're seeing in the published output is a wider section of the curve? I know folks have asked about a change to the curve behavior in the past, and it was something that was mentioned as a feature request, but I'm also curious to see your .story file in terms of how it's displaying differently once published as the lines you've drawn on stage also don't match in color or width? Can you share your .story file here using the add attachment button? 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Terry,

I didn't see them in the different variety of colors and assume that is something you were changing manually - but with this type of thing it's always good to double check that. I see that when I draw a curved line, the curve section does get smoothed or expanded in the same way as the images you've shown which is a bit different than Powerpoint. That's the curve line element that folks have shared in the past as a feature request to have them match more accurately. 

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Loic and welcome to E-Learning Heroes :)

Thanks for contacting us and sharing that you're running into a similar issue. 

We did correct this issue. Do you know what version of Storyline you're using?

You can check by going to:
Help > About Articulate Storyline

We are currently on Build 3.38.21861.0 of Storyline 360. You can read all of the details here.

If you are able to replicate the issue in the latest build, please share a Peek 360 video for us to take a look.

Terry Bell

You say "this bug resurfaced", but was it ever fixed? I'd like to know what versions it was supposedly fixed in so I can see what Articulate considers a proper shape tool. 

re: the colours - in "step 3" on my original post, the shape would disappear, so I had to select a colour to make it visible.  THAT doesn't seem to happen anymore, it uses my default shape colour. BUT the curve shape is still very ugly, which was my main complaint.

edit: I installed the earliest version that is available (3.41.22509.0 from 7 July 2020), but the curve is the same clunky tool I've always seen.

Terry Bell

This bug was supposedly fixed in some version that I never saw, but you didn't reply and tell me which version. And it is STILL happening. PLEASE for the love of god fix something in this software. I have a list of things I'm waiting for to be fixed, and I have zero confidence that any of it will ever be fixed. YOUR CUSTOMERS ARE LOSING FAITH IN YOUR COMPANY AND YOUR PRODUCT.

Ren Gomez

Hi Terry,

Thanks for the follow-up on this bug regarding the curve shape tool and how it doesn’t meet the original design once the shape is completed.

I agree; it’s a longstanding bug that has yet to be addressed. To share some transparency on why: the impact so far is quite limited. Our team has been focused on prioritizing crucial fixes or those impacting most individuals, which you can review in our version history:

I hope this helps provide some insight, and we’ll be sure to provide updates as soon as possible.