Export question bank to use in another Storyline project

Jul 11, 2013

Is there a way to export or copy a question bank from one storyline project to another?

I have two projects and some of the questions need to be used in both.  I would rather not have to re-built a question bank if there is another option. 

20 Replies
Andrew Kennedy


You probably have solved this already, but if double click on a question in the question bank, it opens all of the questions as slides. You can then copy those slides and paste them into the new Storyline file where you would start a new question bank and choose "import questions already in this project" then select the slides with questions you just pasted.


Erin Cunia

This is not obvious how to accomplish but I figured it out (though I see this thread is a year old). For example, I have two separate projects that I want to combine. I want to add the questions bank from "B" to the "A" project. I opened the blank question bank in project "A" and clicked to add a question. The options box appears where you can choose the type of question, but there is also a tab called "IMPORT" which allows you to browse to another project and import slides from there. It imports the "B" question bank as a new question bank in "A". DONE.

Mauro Gaiotto
Erin Cunia

This is not obvious how to accomplish but I figured it out (though I see this thread is a year old). For example, I have two separate projects that I want to combine. I want to add the questions bank from "B" to the "A" project. I opened the blank question bank in project "A" and clicked to add a question. The options box appears where you can choose the type of question, but there is also a tab called "IMPORT" which allows you to browse to another project and import slides from there. It imports the "B" question bank as a new question bank in "A". DONE.

I've tried using this method, also tried simple copy/paste, but Storyline 3 keeps importing questions without copying the answers... See the attached file.
Any tip?

Alyssa Gomez

Hi Mauro,

It sounds like you're trying to combine two Storyline files, is that correct? Are you importing quiz questions from one file into a question bank in another file?

There are a couple of things we can check before we dig any deeper:

  • First, be sure you're on the latest update of Storyline 3. You can check what update you have by going to Help >> About Storyline.
  • Also, be sure your file is stored on your local hard drive.

Let me know if you're already on the latest update and working locally, and we'll keep digging!

Becca Levan

Thanks for following up, Elodie, and welcome to E-Learning Heroes! 😊

I'm sorry, but this isn't an option in Storyline. Have you tried achieving this with the translation feature? You could export to a Word document, then convert it into Excel or a table like my teammate, Ren, suggests here.