Forum Discussion

MathNotermans-9's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

GSAP, x-y transformation in the Modern Player

As some other users in other posts commented when resizing/scaling your browser a Storyline using GSAP for animation will loose its proper positioning and that ain't fun. Allthough i had that fixed for quite a while i didnot have the time to post about it. Well here is a solution. In the attached Storyline there is a function called 'get_XYPos()'. That function returns an array with the x and y value of the object you are using. In the Storyline there is a GSAP timeline looping a shape to scale up and down. A small rectangle (1 x 1 ) is positioned in the Storyline and used as reference to the correct position. On resizing the browser window, a function is called killing the GSAP timeline tween and then getting the new x/y positions and setting the circle to that new correct position.
Then the looping GSAP timeline resumes and the animation continues...