Help with Java Script to format numbers

May 21, 2022

Hi everyone

Thank you for the awesome help on my last query around the characters. I have a new challenge I am hoping someone expert in java-script can help me with please. I am brand new to it, so just following on with a piece of code.

I managed to get it to work in my other project but I cant seem to make it work on these two layers.

If someone can tell me where I am going wrong that would be great. Also if there are any trainings on using Java Script in Storyline, that would good to know as it is going to be a very common thing in my trainings, formatting numbers.



13 Replies
Math Notermans

When using Javascript and Storyline variable exact spelling is key ! So make a habit of always using a similar approach on naming custom variables. Either use camelBack notation... so something like this... mycustomVar or just all underscore...any way you want...but do stick to a similar method allways. That makes it easier to ensure variable names will allways be the same.

Because that was the issue on your first slide and the calculate button.

Also make it a habit to test using the console ( F12 or CTRL+Shift+I in the browser )
When doing that you immediately see errors. As you can see in the message in the console...
'Path did not resolve at: txtDepAmt'.. This means Storyline cannot find the variable called txtDepAmt

And when you open up your variable window in Storyline, you notice it is called 'TxtDepAmt'
The capital T at start is different, and thus that variable is not recognized. Changing that and it works nicely. Although on your slideLayer when clicking Next some other error pops up. Not sure what that is about.


Kim Gabites

Hi Math

The script brought up the dollar sign but it didnt put in any commas. What is the script for putting in commas as well please?



var player=GetPlayer();
varTotAvailSav=TotAvailSav.toFixed(0).replace(/\d(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, '$&,');




Kim Gabites

Hi, sorry dont worry I saw that piece of code above did that I hope.  I will give it a go.

In a previous slide where the java script works, I use a constant variable numValue = numValue

var player=GetPlayer();
var numValue=player.GetVar("Per1");
var numValue=numValue.toFixed().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, '$&,');
var txtValue=numValue.toString();
player.SetVar("txtPer1", txtValue);

The user puts in a number for the purchase price of a house and this is stored in numValue. Then that is multipled by Per1 (0.1) and the new Per1 is found e.g. 10 (numValue is 100).

I then want the txtPer1 value of the dollars, to be shown and it does perfectly.

But when I do the same code for this different variable in a different scene, it doesn't work.

var player=GetPlayer();
var numValue=playerGetVar("DepAmt");
var numValue=numValue.toFixed().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, '$&,');
var txtvalue=numValue.toString();

var player=GetPlayer();
var numValue1=playerGetVar("DepAmt1");
var numValue1=numValue1.toFixed().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, '$&,');
var txtvalue1=numValue1.toString();


Am I supposed to be using DepAmt in the lines

var numValue=playerGetVar("DepAmt");

(instead it is DepAmt=playerGetVar("DepAmt")

var numValue=numValue.toFixed().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, '$&,');

(instead it is DepAmt=DepAmt.toFixed().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, '$&,');

var txtvalue=numValue.toString();

(instead it is txtvalue=DepAmt.toString()


Sorry I realise this must be pretty straight forward for you but I am just confused as to why it works perfectly in one set of slides and not at all in another.



Steve Gannon


The problem likely has to do with a mix-up with case in your variable names. For example, you have this line of code in your message above:


...but in the .story file you attached at the beginning of this thread, you don't have a Storyline variable named "txtDepAmt." Instead, it is named "TxtDeptAmt," which to Storyline is something completely different. Spelling and case of variable names are critical in JavaScript-Storyline communication.

My recommendation is to copy your JavaScript code to Word or Notepad and display it alongside Storyline's Variables dialog box to make absolutely certain that any custom Storyline variables you are getting into JavaScript or setting from JavaScript are spelled exactly the same (including case) in JavaScript as they are in the Storyline Variables panel.

Steve Gannon

I also just noticed your code has a line that includes:


...but it should be:


See the very basic sample attached (I put the two blocks of code in separate Execute JavaScript triggers for clarity but in practice I would generally put these together in one trigger).