Hiding hotspots 100% in a 360 image?

Mar 06, 2023

I have my hotspots hidden from view so the user has to find them in a 360 degree image. Problem is that when the user clicks on them the hotspot appears whilst the cursor rests on it,it does not look good! Is there any way to 'totally' 100% hide them from view in a 360 degree image?

Also is there any way to stop the cursor changing when it hovers over a hotspot in a 360 image? and please don't say build 5 or 6 hotspots in the background cos that is a problem when they click and these huge hideous hotspots appear... (see above question) Thanks for any help!

4 Replies
Hugh Vaughan

I'd also like to hide/deactivate all hotspots in a 360 image once a user has found them all. I tried placing a new hotspot object, in a new layer, covering the entire 360 image. It stopped the user from being able to scroll around but the hotspots still worked. There aren't any '360' built-in variables to change either.