Hotspot stops working while reviewing Storyline file in Articulate Review.

May 02, 2018

Hi all,

I am reviewing a simulated lab that we created in Storyline 360, which makes use of hotspots. While reviewing the file in Articulate Review (using a chrome browser) I found that some hotspots were working, but others weren't. I made note in the comments when I came across a hotspot that was not working. I went back to review the course again and found that hotspots I had noted as "not working" were now working, but others that were working fine before were now not working. I then opened Articulate Review in Internet Explorer and found that ALL the hotspots worked. 

Has anyone come across this issue? My biggest worry is whether the issue will persist when we publish the course to our LMS (Canvas via SCORM) when we launch it. 

5 Replies
Joseph Wong

This is the link to our file in Articulate Review. You can see where I left comment that hotspots were not working and then left new comments that they worked the second time I went through. I just don't know what would make them work only part of the time?

Joseph Wong

Hi Alyssa,

Yes, the hotspots are pretty much all on the different bowls of water or in the sun/shade depending on the activity. I use chrome for pretty much everything and the version is up to date
(Version 66.0.3359.139 (Official Build) (64-bit)).

It seems to be working now and I can no longer replicate the problem, which is great but also somewhat frustrating because it makes the issue harder to understand. So, at this point my concern is how and why the hotspots would stop working in the first place. Could the issue have had to do with flash cookies saved on my browser? 

Any insight will be helpful. Hopefully, the issue doesn't resurface, though!



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