HTML5 output not working on Chrome

Feb 13, 2018

I am using storyline 3 and after publishing the course they worked in Chrome and IE10 and FF. However after few days they are not loading on Chrome but works in IE10 and FF.

The issue is they were working fine just few days ago but all of a sudden only the loading wheel in loading, not the content.

Any idea how this has happened?

(I checked with flash version and it worked. Only HTML5 version is affected with this issue.)

84 Replies
Sanduni Fernando

Storyline outputs were working fine with Chrome 63 version. It stopped working with Chrome 64 version. As David said, this must be something wrong with Chrome 64 version. Hope this will be fixed soon or Storyline will publish an update soon.

Thanks David for your comment. So, I am not alone with this issue :)

Please update on the thread if you find a solution.

David Breen

Hi Sanduni,

Been working on this since Thursday when my Chrome updated. Few threads have been started which might help. Chrome has blocked local playback of files with the new update. If you open Chromes Console it seems to run an error loading cssRules in the javascript file.

Here and here and here, are the threads

Our current solution for the time being has been to roll our clients Versions of Chrome back to 63 as we work towards a solution and possibly upgrading to Storyline 360.

Articulate doesn't seem to be committing to when a fix for SL3 will roll out so other than that not sure on a permanent solution.

I did find however, when Publishing for CD and launching the "story_html5" file in Firefox it worked fine for me. Firefox 58.0.2 (64-bit) newest version.

Any questions let me know.

David Breen

From my experience it's only stopped it from playing locally in Chrome. I can still test it locally on IE11, Firefox 58.0.2, and Edge. It also works on Chrome when published for Web in HTML5 and uploaded to our server.

Gillian, just so I'm aware are you publishing to WEB, LMS, CD, where you can't get Chrome to work?

wendi williams

We too are having this issue - with the update - if  you open the original and republish - it will fix the html5 and chrome issue - however we have thousands of objects that would need to be republished and several with originals missing as we have multiple developers - Im hoping to see a better solution for this. 


Alyssa Gomez

Hello everyone!

When you're viewing the published Storyline 3 content in Chrome, are you viewing it locally?

If so, you probably noticed that the local playback isn't working correctly since the latest Chrome update.

The good news is, our team is working on a fix in Storyline 3 (we already rolled one out to Storyline 360). I'll let you know here as soon as that fix is ready! 

Lori Nesbit

Because our course is fairly complicated, it doesn't work with IE when we publish for USB. This means we can't use your player. As a result, we have been having our users (who do not have great internet access) view the modules by opening the  HTML5 file with Chrome to view the course locally. So not being able to use Chrome is more than a testing issue for us. Since we are just piloting the modules right now, we have a small number of users so we have rolled their Chrome back to the previous version while we wait for this solution.

Leslie McKerchie

Great news!  We just released Update 3 for Storyline 3. This includes quite a few important fixes and some new features as well. Check out all the details in the release notes here.  

The item you'll be interested in is:

Local playback of published story no longer working in Chrome version 64

Be sure to download and install the latest version of Storyline 3.

Let us know if you have any questions, either here or by reaching out to our Support Engineers directly.

Emma Crossley

I'm confused..when you say you release a fix for this issue what does that do for all the courses previously produced and deployed online?

I have many courses I produced a year ago on SL360 and they are not running in Chrome or Firefox now (They run on Chrome Incognito oddly).

I inspected the browser and see numerous CSS Rules errors.

If the fixes you mention deal with this, does this mean I have to go back and republish all of those older courses?

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Robert,

The fix you're asking about here and the current issue we are seeing with Chrome 66 are not related.

We are looking into the one you just reported and I'll make a note on the case you filed that you are seeing this in Chrome 65 as well.

Our initial testing does show that a republish in the latest update to Storyline 360, which is now update 15 does work as intended in Chrome 66.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Cheuk and Lauri, 

Can you check what version of Chrome you're using? Ver. 66 of Chrome has introduced a few hiccups recently such as disabling the autoplay of content as detailed here. 

Also, Chrome has disabled Flash by default, so if you did not include the HTML5 output that could explain the behavior you're seeing. 

Let me know if you need any other help or if you'd like to share a link to your course we are happy to test it out too! 

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