Icon in Project File displaying different color from Review or Preview of same file

Jun 28, 2023

Hey folks I have something odd happening.  I have an icon in my course that is most definitely green, but when I preview it or post it to Articulate review it displays as blue.  I have checked the states of the file to make sure it wasn't an altered state.  Alas they are all green in the course project file - any ideas?

3 Replies
Laura Douglas

No - just a fluke - I had to delete the old icon and insert a new one and now the color holds.  

However, I have since run into this again when I had to rebuild a project file - when I copied the old and pasted the file into a new project several of my states or icons came over with some odd coloring and fonts - so I had to do a thorough QC to find them all and change them back to the color/font I wanted.  But that was the only way to fix the other quirky project file issue I had going on. which involved text variables disappearing when I resized the display window.