Import Size Limit into Storyline?

Apr 10, 2020

Does anyone know the largest file size of Mp4 that can be imported into a storyline project?

3 Replies
Katie Riggio

Hey there, Tim!

What's the largest MP4 file size that can be imported into Storyline?

Good question! Storyline supports images, audio files, and videos up to 2 GB each. Keep in mind that media playback will also depend on the system resources and learners' bandwidth.

If you hit a snag adding a video directly to Storyline, one option is to host the video externally and embed it into your course.

💬Out of curiosity, what size is your MP4 file?

Tim Hylka

Hi. I am very happy to report that articulate tech support helped me solve the problem. It was communicated back to me from them that the largest storyline can handle is two gigs. Happily though, they provided an application to re-encode the videos called, “handbrake“. For example, it reduced a 3.6 gig video file down to 600 MB with virtually no loss in quality/resolution. Doing the happy dance right now. I have a couple more to insert in a project that are nearly 7 gigs.

Sent from my iPhone

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