Is there a good way to delay course exit?

Apr 24, 2019

Our OLE manager informed us some of our clients aren't getting their certificates because they close the course window too early. I don't know if this more of a matter for our LMS department to address, but I would like to know if this can be fixed by delaying the presentation of the Results slide for a few seconds. I prepared a mockup that occupies the first 10 seconds of the Results slide timeline with a "Working on it" animation, then it presents the scores.  If this doesn't work, is there a way I can prevent the user from closing the course too soon?

6 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hello R. Eric,

Thanks for reaching out and letting us know what your clients are running into.

I'm curious what is prompting users to close too early or make them think they completed the course? Is there goodbye messaging prior to reaching the results slide?

With your permission, I'd like to take a look at your project file to investigate what's happening. You can share it publicly here, or send it to me privately by uploading it here. I'll delete it when I'm done troubleshooting.

R. Eric Smith

I haven't actually seen the course from our LMS, but from what I understand, when users launch the course they get a new portal window. Once they complete the last exam question, they're taken to the Results slide where they're shown Pass/Fail language and an option to take a survey. Some users close the portal window too quickly.

I'm attaching 2 5-question exams that I modified. The first one has a warning banner on the Results slide, and the second one has a 10-second animation before the Results slide appears. I haven't arranged to test them out on our LMS yet.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Eric,

Both of those options could work, as there is not a way to prevent a learner from closing the course before a designated point. Since the course will open in a browser window, it's easy (sometimes too easy) to click on that close browser button! 

I'd also look at what other information, directions, tips you'll provide to your learners at the start of a course. Do they need to know how to navigate? That they need to take the exam in one sitting? You could include mention of the certificate's availability on the results slide there. 

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