It's time for a debug mode in storyline

May 07, 2019

I recently had a serious project with dozens of variables. Testing and debugging is quite an extra project. . Solution is to add variables to your slides (or, smart, to a lightbox) and when everything works,  remove these variables. When testing or reviewing, something is broke or not working as designed, we start over again.

It would be very nice to have a debug mode in the reviewer, so we can inspect elements in  Storyline publications (similar to chrome and IE).

7 Replies
Alex del Solar

Hi there!

Take a look to this online solution I found the other day:

It is an online SCORM Debugging tool that lets you play any content for testing. It has an event console that shows you every transaction between the LMS and the content. Also, it has another panel with all SCORM variables at real time.

But the best thing is that supports content created with Storyline. You can see all storyline variables from the debugger and you can setup breakpoints when a variable changes, for example.

It has a free version, so it could be an interesting option...