Limiting the amount of drag items in a drop target

Jun 18, 2018

As the title says, I'm sure it has been asked a few times, but I cannot see any working solution.

I have tried a few different things, but they all rely on not being able to drop on the target, which I am unable to disable; either via changing state to hidden, disabled, putting objects on top of the drop target.

Working in SL360.


Any help will be much appreciated.

4 Replies
Walt Hamilton

which I am unable to disable; either via changing state to hidden, disabled, putting objects on top of the drop target.

Not sure how you are trying to do these things, but they should all work, so maybe some troubleshooting tips will help you.

For example, if you  put an object on top of the drop target, I'm sure you want it invisible. But if you set it to have no fill, it will be invisible, not only to you, but also to the dropped object. So you must make it filled, but transparent. First, give it a visible fill color and see if it appears at the proper time. If so, then make it transparent.

In the same way, give the states you are using an obvious physically different appearance, until you are certain that the states are changing at the appropriate point. When they do, then you can change them to the final version.

This should help you pinpoint exact;y where something is failing.

Creating a text box that contains %VariableName% will allow you to know the contents of a variable named VariableName at all times, so you will know if it is changing appropriately.

Nick Gidman

Hi Walt, thanks for the reply. This is all stuff that I have already done in my testing. I belive the problem is with how Storyline creates the code in relation the the drop areas, where the drop area isn't where you think it is, but it is instead the whole screen. Therefore it is always on top.

Nick Gidman

Here is the uploaded version of the slide.


Drag option 2 into class a, then drag option 1 into class a. You will see the blue box appear, but you can still drop onto it.


The vars down the bottom state how many are in each drop zone, the var in the dragable object state which drop zone it is in. 3-9 have not had all the code implemented.

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