Marker labels: all stay open OR open one at a time?

Jan 21, 2019

In my course I have two slides with markers, each is in a different scene. When I preview the first slide, each marker opens and stays open while I click through all of them. So, I have 6 markers open on the slide. When I preview the other slide, each marker closes as I click the next one, so I only have one marker open at a time. I'm aware that if you click real fast, behaviors can be different. I'm talking about clicking each marker and reading it (rather slowly) like a learner might.

I can't find a setting for this markers are set to Show all on Hover, I don't have any fancy marker labels. Just text, all the same font.

When I re-visit the markers, they open one at a time. Can anyone help?

8 Replies
Steve Gannon

Hi Jill,

I reported a marker issue like this to Articulate Support back when the November update of Storyline 360 was issued (it didn't occur prior to that). They were able to confirm the issue in my file. I was using a state (I think it was a "Down" state) that was causing the problem. Deleting the state fixed the problem.

Check to see if you have any custom states for the markers on the slide where they are not closing automatically (there is no setting to force the markers to all remain open like that...they should always close when another is selected). Try deleting any custom state in any of those markers to see if that fixes the problem.

Steve Gannon

Try deleting the marker altogether and recreate it, adding your visited state to the new marker. That might work.

In my case, Support wrote: "It seems to come down to having a gradient fill in the Down state of a marker prior to upgrading the file to Storyline 360. Looks like only one of the markers needs to have the gradient fill to impact every other marker on the slide."

For now, I'm sticking with the October update of SL360 due to this issue (and others in the December update). If you use your Articulate 360 app to rollback to the October release, the issue likely won't appear.

Incidentally, if you want to open a case with Articulate Support, you can reference my Case number: 01607558

Jill S

Thank you again!! I got this to work. I wasn't using any custom buttons, but I was using GRAY buttons to indicate "visited" state. I wasn't thinking of these as "gradient" because they were supplied and said "colored fill." I was already using the November release for another issue, so I rolled back to October. Still had the problem. Finally I changed my gray "visited" state buttons to WHITE with colored outline and it worked. I've been playing with this on and off for weeks...really nice to have it working properly.

Katie Riggio

Great news, Steve and Jill! We fixed the issue where markers with a gradient fill in the 'Down' state caused other markers to stay open.

Here's how to install the latest Storyline 360 update to see all the recent enhancements and fixes.

If the problem reappears, please record a Peek 360 screencast for me and I'll be happy to help!

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