Mouse in Storyline - can't edit "Enter From" direction

May 26, 2015

Has anyone else encountered this? I'm adding a mouse on a single slide, and can't edit the "Enter From" direction. I've tried deleting and re-adding the mouse, and am able to edit this on other slides with mouse objects, so it seems to be this particular slide.

Any suggestions? What am I missing?

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Steven Benassi

Hello Everyone!

I have some great news to share! We just released another update for Storyline 360. In Update 74, we’ve included important fixes and some new features!

This update fixes the bug - Unable to change "Enter From" setting in newly inserted screen recording slides.

To take advantage of this update, launch the Articulate 360 desktop app on your computer and click the Update button next to Storyline 360. You can find our step-by-step instructions here!

Please let me know if you need any additional help!

13 Replies
Rida Zehra

For anyone who is still struggling with this problem, I found a solution for this. The direction of the mouse is determined by the previous slide i.e. where the cursor stops in the previous slide, that's the same position it will start on the next slide. So to break this connection, just add a blank slide before the slide on which you want to change the direction of the mouse. This will break it's connection to the previous slide and you will be able to change the path of the mouse. and then delete the blank side after you have changed the direction of the mouse. 

Jonathan Rosing

Hi all! I am having the same problem, where I need to show the mouse coming from different locations in my workflow. I tried the blank slide trick, and it worked! But, once I deleted the blank slide, the mouse reverts back to it's original path. 

Does anyone have any ideas how to solve this?


Jose Tansengco


Sorry to hear that you all ran into this issue. We are currently tracking a known bug where users are unable to change the "Enter From" setting in newly inserted screen recording slides.

I made this recording to show the bug, as well as a possible workaround which some have already identified. 

We'll be sure to let everyone know as soon as this bug gets fixed! If the behavior that you're experiencing is different from the one in my recording, open a case with our support team here so we can take a closer look at what's happening. 

Jonathan Rosing

Hi Joe,

Thanks for the example! I think it's working that way because the slide you're adding the new mouse to isn't relying on the end point of a mouse from the previous slide.

I was able to figure out a workout that works. I did the blank slide trick (adding a blank slide before the one I want the custom mouse movement on), and instead of deleting it, copied my screen capture action from the slide before onto the blank slide. Doing it this way allowed me to keep the new mouse movement on the slide following the blank one.

Steven Benassi

Hello Everyone!

I have some great news to share! We just released another update for Storyline 360. In Update 74, we’ve included important fixes and some new features!

This update fixes the bug - Unable to change "Enter From" setting in newly inserted screen recording slides.

To take advantage of this update, launch the Articulate 360 desktop app on your computer and click the Update button next to Storyline 360. You can find our step-by-step instructions here!

Please let me know if you need any additional help!

Jonathan Rosing

Thanks Steven for the update!

This is a feature that my team is really looking forward to. I just tested (after updating Storyline) from my end and it seems like I am still unable to change the "enter from" mouse settings. I tried adding a blank slide with a new mouse to the middle of a project, and it was greyed out. I also tried editing an existing slide's mouse, and I get the same thing.

Steven Benassi

Hi Jonathan!

So sorry to hear you are still experiencing this setback even after updating Storyline to version 3.74!

Not to worry! One of our support engineers would be happy to look into this further if you could upload your .story file here. Also, if you are able to record a Peek 360 and include that with your .story file it would help expedite the troubleshooting process!

Thank you for the feedback!

Michael Marcos

Hi Jonathan, I'm really sorry about the confusion! We actually did find a bug that was affecting a few projects, where the first slide of newly inserted recordings had a disabled Enter From button and fixed that in Update 74. This thread was unintentionally included in the mix of threads to update. 

I can see that there's an interest in being able to tweak the direction the mouse cursor is coming from, on slides other than the first slide. This cannot be done now because of an intentional decision on our part. We wanted to maintain a consistent pointer tracking coordinates between slides and have that documented here (excerpt below): 

If the Enter From selector is grayed-out, it's because the direction of the mouse movement is already determined by the previous slide. When you have consecutive slides with mouse cursors, the end point of the first will be the beginning point of the next.

This is why the Enter From button will work only if there's a slide without a mouse cursor on the previous slide. 

I am interested in the use cases that require changing the mouse paths on all other slides. One thing that I can think of, off the top of my head is  fine tuning, maybe the mouse trail coming in is too short, or too long. I'd love to know more.

All the best! ~mm

Jonathan Rosing

Hi Michael,

Thanks so much for the update and clarification on the feature.

For my team, and I'm sure many others out there, being able to unlock where the mouse enters from and create fully custom entry points would be something that would be a tremendous help. The use case for us is in in software training to other professionals. In any given scene, we may have anywhere from 50-200 slides, showing step by step workflow within the software that we're training. There are a lot of cases where we may have popups on screen, that covers the mouse, or where the mouse may need to come on screen from a different direction, depending on the feature that is being taught.

We've been using the workaround of having a blank slide with a screenshot layer before the slide where we want to manually change the mouse direction. This technically solves the problem, and makes it look seamless from a user perspective, but it adds a lot of development time.

It seems like creating a mouse lock as a feature would be really useful for my team and other Storyline users. If the lock is on, the mouse will automatically track from where it left off on the previous slide. If it's off, the Storyline user could freely move it around.

Let me know if that helps and gives clarification on how and why the feature would be helpful.

Thanks so much,
