Multiple Radio Button Sets

Jul 03, 2012


I have a slide in which I need to use 3 pairs of radio buttons.  So basically I have three statements on the slide. Each statement has 2 radio buttons next to it.  The user should select one of those 2 radio buttons.  Then for the next statement as well, the user should select 1 of the 2 radio buttons corresponding to it.  The problem that I am facing is that each radio button that I add, falls in the same button set (so to speak).  Can someone please help me here.  I need to know how I can create three different pairs of radio buttons.

Thanks alot.



9 Replies
Payal Tandon


Imagine there are 6 buttons as shown:

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

The forced behavior is as follows:

  1. The user has to select at least one in each row - either yes or no.
  2. If the user selects Yes in one row then he cannot select No in that row and vice versa.

I was able to accomplish the behavior by making each Yes No as button set.  So now the user will be able to select only one or the other. 

Let me know if you would like to know anything else about this.



Jean van Dongen-Coenen

Payal Tandon said:

I think I figured it out...I could create 3 different button sets.  By selecting two radio buttons and making them into 1 button set, I can force that behavior.  Even though this was so easy, it felt good to have it figured out by myself...


Great tip! This is what I was looking for.


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