Multiple Variable Help

Apr 29, 2014


I'm working on a complicated interaction to help people learn how to set up a trailer. The trailer has a series of hydraulic valves that can be turned on or off. Adjusting the wrong valves can lead to dangerous situations. I've set up the variables and the triggers to  adjust them. The issue I'm having is that when I test it out the wrong layer is shown. Anybody want to take a look and see what I've done wrong? I've been struggling with this one for awhile.

9 Replies
Garth Yorko

You've got a lot going on there.  You migth try to simplfy it using states.

For each valve, create a normal state as it is to start.  Then create the opposite state, either I think open or closed)  Have the state change to open if it was closed when the user clicks or have it change to closed if it was open


then your layers can display if valves 3, 4, and 5 are in an open state and valves 1, 2 6, 7, and 8 are in a closed state.  It amkes it a little easier to troubleshoot using states and triggers

Garth Yorko

It appears that your diagrams for 3 point front and back are the same.  The triggers you have are primarily on the vertical valves and for the back pull the valves to click are Verticle valves 4, 7, 16, 18, and 19.  This is the same as the Front pull.  You also have conditions on the 3 Point back pull that you may not need since they are part of the variable adjustment trigger already.

Cary Glenn

Let me try this again.

I've deleted many of the triggers for now, to simplify the problem.

What is happening now is that when I select the valves that should trigger the 3-point front pull layer the 4-point layer appears. The 3-point back pull works correctly as does the 4-point trigger.

3-point front pull

3-point back pull


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