Navigation Pane Displays Slide Out Of Order

May 21, 2014

I have a module with multiple scenes.  In scene 5, the individual pages are numbered 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, etc.  These pages appear in the correct order in the story screen and in the presentation.   However, the page titles in the navigation pane appear out of order - 5.1 shows AFTER 5.2 and 5.3.  Even though the flow progresses exactly how I intend, the navigation pane highlights the 3rd line down from the Scene title first, then the 1st line under the Scene title, then the 2nd, then the 4th (line in the navigation pane). 

Again, the titles match the pages, and the pages are appearing in the right order, but the list of titles in the navigation pane is not in the correct order.  How can I fix this?  Thanks in advance.

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