need object to return to original position after moving on motion path in Storyline 2

Jun 18, 2017

On my base layer I have an object move on a motion path.  When the animation ends, a trigger shows a new layer.  Although I've set the layer properties to "revert to initial state" when the the base layer is revisited, the object does not return to its initial position.  Are there additional steps I need to take or is what I'm trying to do even possible?  I've seen other threads on motion paths but not on this particular issue.  Does anyone have a solution?  Thanks!

2 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Karen,

Also keep in mind that each slide layer and the base layer all have their own revisiting properties, so you'll want to set the base slide layer to "reset to initial state" and the slide layer where your motion path is shown. 

If you're still having a hard time with that set up, can you share a copy of your .story file here si us so that we can take a look? Upload it using the "Add Attachment" button at the bottom of the window.

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